Period: to
America Becomes a World Power
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
Written by Captain Alfred T. Mahan this book piqued the governments interest in imperialism and popularized the idea of the New Navy. -
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Its founders included Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.The women had a responsbility for the health of the family and education of children. On the farm they could carry out these responsibilities but in the cities they needed to have a voice on boards of public health, police commisions and school boards. -
Grover Cleveland takes office
The Populists were divided and the Republicans were discredited, so grover Cleveland easily took off ice for his second term and is the only President to be reelected after defeat. -
Depression of 1893
Cleveland had barely taken office when this depression started becuase of labor disorders, the ongoing agricultural depression. and the splurge of overbuilding and speculation.It lasted for about 4 years and collaped about 8,000 businessed in six months. -
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
This Tariff resembled the Mckinley Tariff. It contained a 2 percent tac in incomes over $4,000. -
Cubans Revolt against Spain
Plessy v. Ferguson
The Supreme Court legitimizes the "separate but equal" doctrine. -
William McKinley becomes President
Spanish-American War
During this "splendid little war" the US gain control of the Philippines and become and imperial power. -
Maine Explostion in Havanna Harbor
Charlotte Perkins Gilman publishes Women and Economics
she called woomen to abandon their dependent status and contribute to the larger life of the community through productive involvment in the economy. -
Filipino Insurrection under Emilio Aguinaldo
Bitterness toward American troops mounted after the American Senate refused to pass a resolution granting Filipino independence. -
John Hay dispatched a communication known as the Open Door Note
He urged the great powers to announce that their spheres of influence would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition. -
Gold Standard Act
Boxer Rebellion
Superpatriotic Chinese group, "Boxers", broke loose and killed over 200 missionaries and other whites and besieged Beijing -
The Filipino insurrection is broken
American soliders infiltrated a guerrilla camp and caputured Aguinaldo. -
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
Legal barriers to dig the canal were removed so the United States had a free hand to build the canal, the only question left was were it would be built. -
McKinley is killed
He was murdered by a deranged anarchist -
Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
After the murder of McKinley, Roosevelt becomes the youngest president thus far at 42 -
US troops leave Cuba
Congress decides on Panama route
A treaty favorable to the United States was negotiated between US and COlumbia. It granted the United States a lease for a six-mile-wide zone in exchange for $10 million and an annual payment of $250,000. This plan was denied by the Columbian Senate. -
Panama Revolution
Columbian troops gathered to crush uprising but US Naval forces would not let them criss the isthmus. They held out until Columbia agreed to the price and conditions that the US decided on. -
Roosevelt beats Alton Parker for presidency
Panama Canal was started
It wouldn't be completed for another 10 years in 1914 -
United Stated manage tariff collections in the Dominican Republic
The US took over the management of tariff collections in the Dominican Republic. -
Pure Food and Drud Act
Upton Sinclair publishes The Jungle
Intended to focus attention on the plight of workers in the big canning factories but instead appalled the public with unsanitary food products -
Roosevelt recieved Nobel Peace Prize
He recieved it for helping end the Russo-Japan War in 1905 and for helping arrange an international conference to mediate North African disputes in 1906 -
Great White Fleet
16 battleships started from Virgina waters and went around the world to make a statement that they were ready for "a feast, a frolic, or a fight." It also gave a new recruiting slogan of "Join the Navy and See the World." -
William Howard Taft becomes President
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Balinger-Pinchot affair
Wilson defeats Taft and Roosevelt for presidency
Sixteenth Amendment passed
The Congress has power to lay and collect taxes on incomes -
Seventeenth Amendment passed
The Senate is composed of 2 senators from each state are are are elected for 6 years -
Woodrow Wilson becomes president
Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
Ferdinand, heir to Austria-Hungary's throne, and his wife are assassinated by Serbian, Gavrilo Princip. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Germany Declares war on Russia
Germany declares war on France
United Kingdom declares war on Germany
after Germanyinvades Belgium -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
Serbia declares war on Germany
President Wilson anounces America will remain neutral
Both sides wooed the US however the United States was intent on staying neutral -
Lusitania torpedoed and sunk by German U-Boat
The British passenger liner was sunk off the coast of Ireland and resulted in a loss of 1,198 lives, 128 Americans. It was carrying 4,200 cases of small-arms ammunition. -
U.S. Marines sent to Haiti
The Arabic is sunk by German U-boat
The Arabic, another British liner, was sunk in August with a loss of 2 American lives. The Germans then promised not to sink another unarmed and unresisting passenger ship without warning. This was broken when they sunk the French Sussex -
The Sussex Pledge
Wilson gives Germany an ultimatum, quit sinking ships, or go to war with US -
Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman Telegram is intercepted and published. It posed a German-Mexican alliance. This was the final string and led to the entry of America into WWI -
America declares war on Germany
United States buys Virgin Islands from Denmark
Wilsons Fourteen Points
Wison gave his speech to Congress and raised hopes of peace for the world -
Armstice is agreed on
Germany signs armstice, so the fighting is over