Amelia Earhart

  • Baby Born

    Baby Born
    Amelia Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas.
  • Volunteer Nurse

    Volunteer Nurse
    Amelia Earhart became a vollunteer nurse during World War 1 which then she was about 21, While she was there, she help some of the warriors with major cuts and gun shots.
  • The Diploma Goes To...

    The Diploma Goes To...
    Amelia Earhart graduated while she was in High School and she also enrolled in the Ogontz School located in Rydal, Penssylvania.
  • California Girl

    California Girl
    Amelia Earhart moved to California to be with her mother. While she was there she wanted to learn more about aviation.
  • Snooky!

    Amelia began to take flying lessons with a women named Neta Snook. Her nickname was Snooky. Also in 1921, Amelia bought herself a Kinner Airster ( Airplane ). She named the plane Canary after the bird.
  • East Coast

    East Coast
    Amelia moved to the East Coast.
  • observer

    Amelia rode as an observer on a transatlantic airplane flight from Tryassey Bay, Newfoundland, burry port, and Wales. Also in 1928, Amelia became an aviation editor of Cosmopolitan magazines .
  • Avro Avian

    Avro Avian
    Amelia bought an Avro Avian which is a small, english plane. It is famous because Britian's fore most women pilot, Lady Mary Heath had flown it. The plane had traveled from Capetown, South Africa to London.
  • Women's Air Derby

    Women's Air Derby
    Amelia got third place in the First Women's Air Derby.
  • Ninety-Nines

    Amelia helped find the Ninety - Nines. They are a group of women pilots from around the world (international) organizationa.
  • Amelia The Official

    Amelia The Official
    Amelia was elected as an official for the National Merohautic Association. She tried to convince the Federation Aeronautique Internationale to create and finish seperate world altitude, speed, and endurance records for all and only women.
  • Altitude

    Amelia set the womens autogyro altituderecord (18,415 ft.).
  • Love At First Sight

    Love At First Sight
    Amelia Earhart married George Palmer Putnam. George was a publisher. He also helped Amelia plan for her flight in 1928 before they were married.
  • Club 99 president

    Club 99 president
    Amelia was elected as president in the ninety nines club which is was a new womens aviation organization.
  • Flying Solo

    Flying Solo
    Amelia Earhart was the first women ever to fly solo coast to coast without stopping to take a break in between her journey of flight.
  • Broken Record

    Broken Record
    Amelia Earhart broke her own transcontinental speed record by making the same fight in 17 hours and 7minutes.
  • All About The Pacific

    All About The Pacific
    Amelia was thye first person to fly the 2,408 mile distance across the Pacific.
  • Los Angeles or Mexico?

    Los Angeles or Mexico?
    Amelia was the first person to fly solo from Los Angeles to Mexico City. It took her 13 hours and 23 minutes.
  • Your Accomplishments Will go on Forever

    Your Accomplishments Will go on Forever
    Amelia Earhart and her navigator ( Fredrick Noonan) left set to fly around the whole world. After all the hard work, their plane crashed. Some say they died right when they hit the ground( or water) and others say that they were exucuted by the Japanese because they thought Earhart and Noonnan were spies from New York. There death still remains a mystery but we will remember Amelia Earhart always.