Amaris pd.7 Religion Quiz

  • 6000 BCE


    1. Cam bodia, and Thailand are parts of the world where they are dominant.
    2. 400 million people practice this religion today
    3. They belive in god, or gods, to them action are more imporntant than beliefs. And Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of this religion. 4.) their symbol is called the Dhama Wheel
  • 2300 BCE


    1.) Afghanistan, and Bangledesh is where this religion is most dominate.
    2.) 1.2 billion people practice this religion today
    3.) They belive that "The entire universe is God", and this religon has not founder. this religon is a variety of related beliefs.
    4.) The name of their symbol is called OM
  • 1400 BCE


    1. Indonesia, and Pakistan are the parts of the world where the religion is dominant
    2. 1.90 billion practice this religon today
    3. They belive that there is "no god but God" Muhammad was the founder.
    4. Crecent and star is the name of their symbol.
  • Period: 718 to 1492


    The christans felt threated by the Musslims. This war took place in Abberin Pernicea, in 718 AD. An imporntant person was Ferdinand II he was the king of spain. An imporntant event that happned was that Reconquista dramaticly decreased the population of caliphate. The war ended in 1492 when the seville Muslims died.
  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The Crusades

    The pope called on western christians to take up armies to aid the byzantines, and recapture the holy land from Muslim control. It took place in Meditranian- MIddle East. started in 1095. An imporntant event that happned was that in June 1099 the Crusades began a five-week siege of Jerusalem. An imporntant person was King louis III he was a lead ruler of france. The defeat for euopean and muslims victory, and many argued taht they successfully extended the reach of christianity.
  • Period: to

    30 Years war

    Ferdinand the II wanted all of his people to be catholics because he was a stong catholic, but when some prodistand states revolted againsed him it made him mad and he started a war, so the Roman catholic started a war with the protesstant religon. This war took place in Centeral Europe, Germany Europe, they fought near the prauge in Bohemia. (part 1)
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    The conflict ended because The treaty of Westphalia was signed and ended the war, Westphalia the netherland gained independence from spain, and The power of Holy Roman was broken and German state were again able to determine the religion of their land. (part 3)
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    An imporntant event that happened during the 30 years war was that in may 20, 1632 they Invaded the Protestant city Magdeburg by the imperial army and the forces of the Catholic league. Ferdinand the II was an imporntant person because he was the one who started the war with Count Thurn the leader of the protestant revolt. (part 2)
  • Period: to

    Circassian War

    Russia wanted to take control of Persiads empire and the black sea. This war took place in South East of Ukraine on the coast of the black sea, it sarted in 1763. An imporntant event that happened was that the war had expanded russia's boarder, and made their empire more profitable. An imporntant person was Tazor Nicolis the first, he was the russian leader that iniseated the attack on the Persiads. The war ended, 1864 ,because since the russian boarder expanded they had access to the balck sea.
  • Period: to

    Isreal Palestine Conflict

    This war started because the two religions, Muslims, and Jews wanted to both take control. took place in the state of Isreal in 1947. An imporntant event that took place during the war was that in June 1967 Isreal attacked the syrian and Egyptian air forces, and in 2021, Pale-stines lanched. An imporntant individual was, Ariel Sharon, Isreal's palestine- Yasser Arafat. There was no result in the conflict, a peace prosterity plan, and osle accords were signed in 1993 and the U.S supports Isreal.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan

    Mohammad didn't want people practicing the islam religion, and that started a mini war in the country. This war took place in Afghanistan in 1979. The soviet's tried to capture mubadean. An imporntant individual is Mohammad, he was imporntant because he was the one who started the war and he was the president. in 1989 the soviet union got left poor wtich made it collapse, witch made the war finally end.
  • Christianity

    1.) Europe, and America is where this religion is most dominate
    2.)2.382 people practice this religion today
    3.) They belive that "christianity is based on an incarnated monotheismll, and the people in this religion drink wine blessed as the body and blood of jesus.
    4.) The name of their symbol is called The Cross
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil War

    The war started because of how much wealth, Sunni and the Shias about the population. It took place mainley in syria. An imporntant event that happened was that many people have fled the country. An imporntant person is Isis the ruler of sunni. The War is still going on today.
  • Judaism

    1. Israel, and U.S is where it is most dominate
    2. 15 million people today practice this religion
    3. they belive that "Only one god who has established a covenant".
    4. The name of their symbol is called The star of David