Amanda's Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
  • Today's Date

    Today's Date
    I am an 11th Grader and I am 17 years old!
  • I graduate High School

    I graduate High School
    I finally Graduate High School! I would be 18 years old.
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    I am starting College In NYC I will be going for Arts! I will be around 19 years old.
  • I finally Graduate College

    I finally Graduate College
    I will be around 23 years old. Will not to extra grad school...
  • Time to Get Married

    Time to Get Married
    At this point in my life I would want to get married to someone. I would be around the ages 25-26.
  • Get a House In the same Year

    Would invest in an apartment or a house.
  • My 30th Birthday

    My 30th Birthday
    I want to be making at least around $35,000. My job that I would be doing is a Tattoo artist, started this job after college.
  • My 45th Birthday

    I turn 45! I still will be making the same amount possibly a raise. I will still be a tattoo artist.
  • My 50th Birthday

    I turn 50, Still a tattoo artist making 40,000 dollars... Maybe I would also be an inspriational speaker.
  • Time To Retire!

    I am going to be 65 years old at this time and I want to retire...