dads birthday
this is a big day becasue without my dad i wouldnt be here! and my dad is a pretty cool dude! -
moms birthday
this is my moms birhday and this is very importnat because without her there wouldnt be me! -
This is the day that i was born. I was born in salt lake city utah on this day. it was a great day in history -
1st chritmas
I dont really rember it but it was still a big day for me! -
5th birthday
this was a milestone for me because it marks 5 years of life -
first day of kindergarten
this is my elemtary school this was a big day for me because i was entering school. i was about 5 yeasr old and i was so excited for school! -
10th birthday
this makrs 10 years of my life. i remeber having a big birthday and i loved it! -
last day of 6th grade
this was an exciting day because i left elemetary school to move on to jr. high. i was so excited for summer too! -
fist day of junoir high
this is the website for my junoir high 7th grade! I was so excited to not be in elemetary school anymore and to be a "big kid" it was big day! -
last day of 8th grade
learn about my jr. high here!this was a very big day for me1 i was finally a hish schooler. leaving junoir high that day was very sad but happy at the same time -
fist day of high school!!
learn about my awesome school here!this was a big day for me! i was super nervous but still super excited! -
what a good day i had so much fun! -
grandpas funeral
this was a very sad day for me because my grandpa was very close to me! i loved him and i miss him -
moving from utah to az
learn more about utah this was a big day for my family because we were moving to a new state and started a new life. -
graduation day!
learn more about the school i graduted from herethis will be a huge day fro me! i cant wait to gradute it will be a huge day for me!