alphabet soup

By dob0404
  • EBA

    the emergency banking act was passed by congress as an attempt to stabilize the banking system.
  • FCA

    farm credit administration was part of the new deal to help farmers refinance mortgages over a longer time at below market interest rates and regional and national banks
  • ccc

    civillian conservation corps was a voluntary public work releif program
  • AAA

    the agricultural adjustment act was a united states federal law of the new deal era designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses.
  • TVA

    the tennessee valley authority was a new deal program that provided electricity related jobs to people who lived in tennessee river valley which spans 7 states south.
  • PWA

    public works administration was a large scale public works construction agency in the united states.
  • NRA

    the national recovery administration was a prime new deal agency during the great depression, their goal was to eliminate cut throat competition by bringing industry, labor, and government together to create fair practices and set prices
  • CWA

    civil works administration was a short lived job creation program during the great depression
  • FDiC

    the federal deposit insurance corporation was a releif program during the great depression that would insure money into commercial bank deposits with a pool of money collected
  • SEC

    securities and exchange commission was designed for investors to have reliable information and honest dealings in the markets.
  • FCC

    federal communications commission is an independent agency of the united states that regulates communications through ALL technology
  • SSA

    the social security act was passed and it established a system of benefits for victims in industrial accidents, unemployment, handicapped, blind, and more
  • wpa

    works progress administration was an american new deal agency employing millions of job seekers to carry out public work projects
  • USHA

    united states housing authority was a federal agency designed to lend money to the states or communities for low cost construction
  • FAA

    federal aviation administration is the agency of the united states department of transportation responsible for the regulation of civil aviation within the US