Baby is Born
12-15 months (Physical)
May climb stairs on hands and knees
Cruises along furniture
May be able to walk a few steps alone
May creep like a bear, with hands and feet in contact with the floor -
12-15 months (cognitive)
Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over new surfaces
Begins to form concepts
Experiments with actions never tried before
Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures -
16-18 months (Physical)
Walks fast and runs either
Stands on either foot with support
Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
Squats down smoothly from standing positions -
16-18 Months (Cognitive)
Responds to increasing number of verbal directions if combined with actions
Is very inquisitive about everything
Has short attention span
Scribbles more freely but also can imitate strokes in drawing -
19-21 Months (Physical)
Runs without running often, and walks up and down stairs without help
Squats easily in play
Sits on floor from standing position quite easily
Can kick large ball without stepping on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axTFEt3NSG4 -
19-21 Months (Cognitive)
Has a vocabulary of about 20 words
Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures
Likes to make marks on paper with big crayon -
22-24 Months (Physical)
Shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger motions
Alternates between standing and sitting positions easily
Throws ball overhead instead of tossing
Likes to walk on low walls and preform other stunts -
22-24 Months (Cognitive)
Becomes interest in the precise placement of objects, enjoys foam boards and simple puzzles
May be able to recall what is lost and where it might be
May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are
Distinguishes between vertical and horizontal lines -
24-30 Months (Physical)
Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles
Kicks ball forward
Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease
Throws ball overhead but without aiming -
24-30 Months (Cognitive)
Remembers sequence of stories and may be able to retell them
Is better able to use near-by objects in make-believe games
Likes to listens to tapes and records of stories and songs
Distinguishes between BEFORE and AFTER -
30-36 Months (Physical)
Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards
Walks on tiptoe
Takes objects apart and puts them together
Turns doorknobs with greater strength -
30-36 Months (Cognitive)
Reveals intellectual curiousity in reading books and watching tv
Can remember and follow three-step commands
Vocabulary starts at about 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period
Can stack rings in the correct order