
All About Me

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born in Fountain Valley Hospital. I was born around 1:00 am. I was the first of 3 children.
  • My Earliest Memory

    My Earliest Memory
    The earliest thing I can remember is my 3rd birthday. I was wearing a white suit. My birthday was celebrated at nighttime.
  • First Day of Preschool

    First Day of Preschool
    My Aunt told me I had to go to preschool and drove me to the place. I was crying the entire car ride there until my aunt told me she would call the cops if I wouldn't stop. When I arrived at the preschool, I began crying again and stopped after about 30 minutes.
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    My mom drove me to a new school since I was ready for kindergarten. I met the teacher and she asked me if I wanted to sit with the boys or girls and naturally, I wanted to sit with the boys. After sitting down, I remember drawing something.
  • First Time At Movie Theaters

    First Time At Movie Theaters
    I went to see Kung Fu Panda when it came out. I went with my brothers and my cousin with my dad and her dad. My dad slept throughout the entire movie.
  • Going to Los Angeles

    Going to Los Angeles
    It was my first trip that was far from my home in Westminster. I went to Hollywood and met people dressed up in costumes such as Yoda. I then went into a nintendo museum
  • Going to a WWE Event/Taking My First Pill

    Going to a WWE Event/Taking My First Pill
    I went to the Staples Center to watch Monday Night Raw. The arena was really loud as the fireworks popped. I started feeling sick so I took a pill. It was my first one.
  • Moving Schools

    Moving Schools
    I moved from Hayden Elementary to Murdy Elementary. I had no friends at first, but then made many friends. I liked playing handball there.
  • Moving Schools Again

    Moving Schools Again
    I moved to Ethan Allen Elementary as I joined the Gate program. I didn't make as many friends as in Murdy. I never really liked it there
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    I got my locker and I was confused on how to use it. PE was the worst as I had to run miles every week. I missed having recess
  • 8th Grade Commencement

    8th Grade Commencement
    I had to wear a tux for the graduation ceremony. It was a really hot day. The ceremony was really boring as people were giving speeches.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    I went to La Quinta and it wasn't really different from Middle School. The first day was exciting because I got to see my friends again. I got lost in the school and had to ask for directions.
  • Making the JV Soccer Team

    Making the JV Soccer Team
    On the last day of tryouts, I was nervous to see if I was cut. The coaches got together and told everyone that they were no longer cutting anyone. I felt relieved and felt ecstatic on the fact that I made the team.
  • Winning My First Season Soccer Game

    Winning My First Season Soccer Game
    The match was intense as the opposing team scored a goal in the first 10 minutes. However, my team and I did not give up and we scored 2 goals in the second half. After we won, one of my teammates mom bought the whole team pizza.
  • Making the Varsity Team

    Making the Varsity Team
    I had a tryout for the soccer varsity team. The tryout was intense and I was stressed out every moment. At the end of the tryout, the coach said that I was officially on the varsity team and the whole team cheered me on.