200px egyptian a'h mosè or rhind papyrus (1065x1330)

Algebra History Timeline

  • 1700 BCE

    Babylonian Mathematics

    Babylonian Mathematics
    Babylonians solve quadratic equation with the ​square method.
  • 540 BCE


    Greeks mathematicians use geometric strategies to solve equations.
  • 200

    Diophantus of Alexandria

    Diophantus of Alexandria
    Begins using symbols instead of words.
  • 499

    Aryabhatiya by aryabhata

    Aryabhatiya by aryabhata
    Provided results for summation of squares and cubes. Also worked on what pi was.
  • 598

    Bhraskara and Brahmagupta

    Bhraskara and Brahmagupta
    Replaces unknown quantities with letters.
  • 780

    Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi

    Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi
    Writes a book with a clear understanding by showing how to do problems by doing the same operation on each side.
  • 1048

    Omar Khayyam

    Omar Khayyam
    He used geometric approach to solve cubic equations using a line segment.
  • 1540

    Francois Viete

    Francois Viete
    Starting using letters to replace variables and uses + and - for addition and subtraction.
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss

    Carl Friedrich Gauss
    Proves the basic theory of algebra.
  • Amalie Noether

    Amalie Noether
    Makes discoveries about noncommutative algebra