
Maricela Oliveras

  • Romanticism (Information cited online)

    Romanticism (Information cited online)
    Romanticism was, the start of great works that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, etc. This occurred in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century. Romanticism inspired all, it was to some extent a reaction against the Enlightenment, although not as much impact it played a pivotal role in emphasizing the imagination and emotions of ones in it.
  • Haitian Revolution (Information from World History textbook)

    Haitian Revolution (Information from World History textbook)
    The Haitian Revolution, was lead by Toussaint L’Ouvertune. Haiti was a French colony. Over time, many Africans were enslaved, while their masters used brutal methods of discipline. At same time the French revolution was occurring and people in Haiti rose against their slave masters. Over 100,000 rose in revolt. This put, a leader on top his name was Toussaint, he was a skilled general.
  • Mexcian War of Independence (Information cited from World History textbook)

    Mexcian War of Independence (Information cited from World History textbook)
    Napoleon's account for Spain, led many south American countries to revolt. Miguel Hidalgo was the first to start, towards independence. He started to take over many cities in 1820, but then later got defeated. Later in 1820, revolution in Spain put a liberal group in power there.
  • Latin Amercian Wars of independence (North,Simon Bolivar) Information cited from World History textbook

    Latin Amercian Wars of independence (North,Simon Bolivar) Information cited from World History textbook
    Simon Bolivar, was said to be a brilliant general. Through this, Bolivar suffered many defeats. His goal of independence had only begun. As began, Bolivar lead an army of 2000 soldiers on a march to Columbia. The outcome was that, he took the Spanish in surprise giving him an fortunate victory. By 1821, Venezuela had its independence. Furthermore, in Ecuador Bolivar finally met San Martin together they would decide the future of the Latin American revolutionary movement.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin) Information cited from World History textbook

    Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin) Information cited from World History textbook
    Jose de San Martin was a modest man. He was, thought to be a liberator of three nations. Argentina formed its independence in 1816, however Spanish forces in nearby countries posted threats. With the help of O'Higgins, San Martin was finally able to free Chile in 1821, San Martin wanted to force Spanish forces out of Peru. He faced a problem he needed a larger force. Through this, Bolivia's army went to defeat the Spanish in the Battle of Ayacucho. The Spanish after would win their freedom.
  • Greek Revolution (Information cited online)

    Greek Revolution (Information cited online)
    The Greek for long, were ruled by the Ottoman Empire, the Greek became tired and wanted change. They decided to revolt! A civil war was formed and the Ottomans used help from Egypt to put an end to the rebellion started by the Greek. The Greek, were not going to lay back, fighting there way into the Treaty of Constantinople. Later, this would have effect as it was shared by both the Greek and Ottoman Empire. To illustrate, this formally made the Greek independent from the Ottoman Empire.
  • Brazilian Independence (Information from World History textbook)

    Brazilian Independence (Information from World History textbook)
    The Brazilian independence was one rare-as it was done with no violent raids or bloodshed. King John VI and family avoiding capture by Napoleon, decided to escape to Brazil. They ran Portugal for 14 years, from Brazil. As Napoleon's final defeat in 1815, King John returned to Portugal with dreams of making Brazil a colony again. He son stayed and many agreed that he should lead. Brazil, later declared themselves independent from Portugal, with Dom Pedro as head-King John son.
  • Italian Unification (Information cited online)

    Italian Unification (Information cited online)
    Italy was invaded by Napoleon, this caused the fall of Napoleon for all it split Italy from each other. A time where, Italy was formally caused into the political and social movement that consolidated different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of the Kingdom of Italy in the 19th century. Nationalism was used by Mazzini, then in 1852 Cavour rebelled against Austria to join the Italian states. In 1861, Italy was declared a united nation-state under the king Victor Immanuel II.
  • German Unification (Information cited from World History textbook)

    German Unification (Information cited from World History textbook)
    In 1850, Prussia was trying to gain dominance, that would eventually help it forge a strong German state. Through this, Prussia had mainly, German population. In 1862, Bismarck reorganized the Prussian army and improved training in preparation for war. Bismarck was a fervent German nationalist who wanted a German nation, but specifically one dominated by Prussia. On July 1870, France declared war on Prussia. France lost this war, and it lead Prussia to declare the German empire after all.