• 250,000 BCE


    Humans have existed since 250 thousand years ago, history starts when we started to write in Mesopotamia and Egypt between 165 million years ago
  • 26,000 BCE

    first civilization to settle in America

    first civilization to settle in America
    The peopling of the Americas began when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers Paleo-Indians
  • 12,000 BCE

    End of last ice age human migration

    End of last ice age human migration
    End of the Last Ice Age and Human Migration
    The last ice Age ends, causing sea levels to rise and changing climates.
  • 11,000 BCE

    The most ancients civilizations

    The most ancients civilizations
    Indus Valley
  • 9000 BCE


    Around 9000 BCE, humans began cultivating plants and domesticating animals, marking the start of agriculture and leading to the first settled communities.
  • Period: 7000 BCE to 9000 BCE

    9000 - 7000 BCE – Domestication of Teosinte into Corn

    Before the Mesoamerican civilizations even began, people started turning wild teosinte into
    maize, which became a very important crop.
  • 5000 BCE


    Sedentarism began around 5000 BCE with the shift from nomadic lifestyles to permanent farming communities, reducing daily movement as people settled and built stable food sources.
  • 3500 BCE

    3500 BCE – Rise of Mesopotamian Civilization

  • 3500 BCE

    3,500 bc

    3,500 bc
    The ice bridge connected East Russia and Alaska, 11,000 Gardens, it is easier to take something that comes from nature, the agriculture is where you want to plant it, and the best place to live is close to the equator because there is not an extremely weather.
  • 3200 BCE

    Dead lenguages

    Dead lenguages
  • 2550 BCE

    Construction pyramid of Giza

    Construction pyramid of Giza
    The most plausible one is that the Egyptians employed a sloping and encircling embankment of brick, earth, and sand, which was increased in height and length as the pyramid rose
  • 1700 BCE


    Olmec is the mother civilization of Mesoamerica
  • 1533 BCE


    The Incas built a vast empire in the Andes 1438-1533
  • 1521 BCE

    1521 CE – Spanish Conquest of Mesoamerica

    1521 CE – Spanish Conquest of Mesoamerica
    The arrival of Spanish forces led to major changes and the end of indigenous state systems in the region
  • 1500 BCE

    Inca empire

    Inca empire
    The Inca Empire, or Tawantinsuyu, was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, spanning much of western South America.
  • 1500 BCE

    Who conquered the Mayans

    Who conquered the Mayans
    The conquest of Mesoamerica by Spanish explorers and colonist
  • 900 BCE

    900 CE – Start of the Postclassic Period (Mesoamerica)

    900 CE – Start of the Postclassic Period (Mesoamerica)
    New cultures emerged, such as the Toltecs, Mayan kingdoms, and the Mexica (Aztec)
  • 900 BCE

    Chavins civilization

    Chavins civilization
    The Chavin civilization flourished in the Andes of Peru around 900 to 200 BCE.
  • 539 BCE

    Fall of Babylon (Mesopotamia)

    Fall of Babylon (Mesopotamia)
    Babylon was conquered by Cyrus the Great of Persia, marking the end of Babylonian
  • Period: 490 BCE to 479 BCE

    Greco persian wars

    Greek city-states united to defend their lands against Persian invasions, an important
    chapter in Greek history.
  • Period: 250 BCE to 900 BCE

    Mayas life

    The Maya Civilization Flourishes • 250-900 CE
    The Maya develop a complex society with city-states, hieroglyphie writing, and achievements
  • 146 BCE

    146 BCE – Fall of Ancient Greece to Rome

  • Period: 100 BCE to 800 BCE


    The Moche built a complex society along the northern coast of the Andes in Peru, with adranced irrigation, pottery, and metalwork
  • 1 BCE

    0 CE – Beginning of the Classic Period (Mesoameri

    0 CE – Beginning of the Classic Period (Mesoameri
    Large cities and centralized states like Teotihuacan and Monte Albán flourished in