
  • White settlement

    Russian fur traders established the first white settlement on Kodiak island
  • Alaska is ours

    The United States pays Russia $7.2 million for the "icebox"
  • Moving

    Capital moves Sitka to Juneau
  • Hudson Stuck

    Hudson Stuck leads the first successful ascent of Mount McKinley
  • Railroad

    The US authorizes construction on the Alaskan railroad
  • Islands

    Japanese occupy three outer Aleutian islands
  • Earthquake

    The good friday earthquake is North Americas strongest recorded temblor.
  • Teller

    Teller, Alaska resident Isaac Okleasic wins the first Iditarod Trail sled dog race
  • Congress

    Congress gives Alaska Indians 44 million acres and $962.5 billion for renouncing native land claims.
  • Pipeline

    The 799-mile long Alaskan pipeline is completed.