
Alan Chalmers (1939-Present)

  • A Thing Called Science

    A Thing Called Science
    In 1976 Alan Chalmer wrote the book "What Is This Thing Called Science?. In this book, he describes the downside of the empirical viewpoint. He then goes into modern ways to alleviate those issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c6A7EqPv5U
  • Science and Its Fabrication

    Science and Its Fabrication
    In 1990 Chalmers' publishes his second book. "Science and Its Fabrication". Building off of his previously published title, he defends the objectivity of scientific knowledge against those critics for whom such knowledge is both subjective and ideological. Sturdy, Stephen. “Alan Chalmers. Science and Its Fabrication. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1990. P The British Journal for the History of Science.” Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press, 5 Jan. 2009,
  • Fellow of the Academy of Humanities

     Fellow of the Academy of Humanities
    IN 1997 Alan was elected as a fellow of the Academy of Humanities. The Australian Government also awarded Alan Chalmers the Centenary Medal for his Services to the Humanities in History and Philosophy of Science in 1998.
    “Chalmers, Alan.” The Center for Philosophy of Science, 2 Apr. 2021, https://www.centerphilsci.pitt.edu/fellows/chalmers-alan/.
  • The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone

    The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone
    In 2009, Alan published "The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone"-How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms. He goes into the history of atomism from Democritus to the twentieth century. Using historical references to debate the character of scientific knowledge.