Mexican Gov'n says no more American immigrants to Texas
Period: to
Convention of 1832
An attempt to peacefully make government reforms in Texas. This attempt failed. -
Battle of Velasco
This was the first bloodshed between Texans and Mexicans. -
Convention of 1833
A new constitution was drafted for Texas (similar to the US's). They again attempted to settle things peacefully, and again failed. -
Stephen Austin
He was a major role in the Convention of 1833, and was arrested for no true reason. -
Battle of Gonzales
First official battle of the Texan Revolution -
Retreat into the Alamo
Convention of 1836
They signed the new constitution and began their new government. -
Alamo Loss
Texas wins
Goliad Massacre
400 surrendered Texan's are murdered under the orders of Mexican Gerneral Santa Anna.