
Al-Andalus timeline

  • 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    A Muslim army led by the general Tarik crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to plunder the area. And the Muslims won the battle of Guadalete. And was the lastest battle of Don Rodrigo
  • Period: 711 to 722

    Muslim conquered territory

    The Muslims conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula. The territories ruled their control is known as Al-Andalus
  • Period: 711 to 756

    Dependent Emirate

    In this period the capital was Cordoba. And the Muslims between 711 and 756 it was a Dependent Emirate a province that depend politically & religiously on the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus.
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    This is taken as the beginning of "La Reconquista". The Muslims was halted in the mountains region of Asturias, when a group of Christians led by Don Pelayo defeated the Muslims. And the Christians managed to won the battle.
  • 756

    Beginning of the Independent Emirate

    Beginning of the Independent Emirate
    Abderraman I after escaping from the assassination of his family by the Abbasids. So taking advantage of the local tension he deposed the emir of Al-Andalus and establish an Independent Emirate
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Independent Emirate

  • 929

    The Caliph of Cordoba

    The Caliph of Cordoba
    Abderraman III proclaimed himself Caliph of Cordoba, leading to a political & religious independence from th Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad.
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Great splendour

    The reign of Abderraman III was the greatest splendour of Al-Andalus
  • 1031

    Independence of the Abbads

    The governors of the provinces declared their independence so the Caliph desintegrated into 28 small independent muslim kingdoms(Taifas). And the First Taifas period start.
  • 1085

    The Almoravids

    The Almoravids came to the Peninsula to help the taifa kings, and defeated the christians.
  • Period: 1085 to 1145

    The Almoravids

    The Almoravids put an strong basic religious influece, that it carry it to a persecution to the Mozarabs & Jews.
  • 1086

    Battle of Sagrajas

    Battle of Sagrajas
    The Almoravids defeated the Christians in this battle, achieving the victory.
  • 1145


    (that it carry it to a persecution to the Mozarabs & Jews.)this caused crisis:
    Al-Andalus disolute again
    In the N.Africa they change to a new dynasty (the Almohads)
  • Period: 1145 to 1172

    II Taifas

    The Taifas stayed unyfied when the Almohads conquered all in 1172
  • 1172

    The Reunification of Al-Andalus

    The Reunification of Al-Andalus
    In this year Al-Andalus for second time it becomes a empire.
  • Period: 1172 to 1212


  • 1195

    Battle of Alarcos

    Battle of Alarcos
    The Almohads stopped the reconquista.
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas The Tolosa

    Battle of Las Navas The Tolosa
    The Christians managed to defeat the Almohads after this Al-Andalus disintegrated into de III Taifas period. Then the Christians arrived to the Valley of Guadalquivir.
  • Period: 1212 to 1238

    III Taifas

    In this period the Iberian Peninsula was all most conquered by the crown of Castilla.
  • 1238

    All Most the End of Al-Andalus

    All Most the End of Al-Andalus
    Al-Andalus had lose lo much territory, so now is the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada
  • Period: 1238 to 1492

    Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

    This kingdom survived more than 200 years thank you to :
    • The goegraphic location -And they pay parias to the King of Castilla
  • 1492

    The End of La Renconquista

    The End of La Renconquista
    Fighting more than 10 year finally the Christians won the war, so the La Reconquista had finished.