Profitable Slavery
Presidents hoped that slavery would fade away because of the tabacco and wheat production was least profitable.Some edviance showed in Virgina and Maryland they were correct and slaves were freed. -
The Deep South
The slow culrivation trend didint last in the south causing slavery to become more profitable as cotton become the leading crop. -
Cotton Gin
Cotton GinA machine that was invented that helped boost cotton production by reducing the time and cost while working in geogia it separated the seed from the white fiber. -
Slave Trade
The federal law legalized trade from plantation in Virgina and Maryland to grow rocks and increase income. -
War of 1812
War of 1812The cut off to all to all britsh goods. As a result Americans bulit there own factories in the north east. -
The Traiff
The policy that encouraged growth of industry democractic repblicans -
Taking Action
Employees strike after their wages were cut and charges for living were increased shuting down there factory. -
Top Export
Cotton SupplyCotton supply was in hgh demand for factories in the north east and europe.They produce southern plantations made up 60% of the cotton used in america and europe factories. -
Cotton Boom
Because of the south was to reliant on crop sometimes for seen planters to go bankrupt. -
Cotton Production & Slavery increase
Cotton production in the southThe cotton price went up to $1,800 and the number of slave had increase by 1.5 million.Slaverly expeneded within the economy -
Owning slaves
Slave holdersMainly people who had slave workers lived on farms an owned only a few slaves only 3,000 white men owned 100 or more slaves.