Technology through the Ages

  • 700


    700AD but didnt get used in weapons until 904AD
  • 1364

    First Firearm

    First Firearm
    the first firearm was made in the 13
  • Glass windows

    Glass windows
    17th century
  • First Bicycle

    First Bicycle
    It was made by Baron Karl von Drais
  • Cement

    It was made by Joseph Aspdin "He called it Portland Cement because the concrete made from it looked like Portland stone, a widely-used building stone in England."
  • Rubber

  • First automobile

    First automobile
    the first gas powered Automobile was made in Germany by Karl Benz
  • Carbon Fiber

    Carbon Fiber
  • MicroChip

    It was made by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
  • Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

    Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    It was invented by Charles Hull in 1984