Glorious Revolution
Bloodless over-throw of the throne. -
John Locke
Two treatises of Government.
Thinks the people should govern their own affairs. -
Charles-Louis Montesquieu
Spirit of the Laws. French lawyer. Man of the Letter. He believed in seperation of power. -
The American Revolution
13 colonies broke from the British Empire. -
Thomas Jefferson
Wrote the Declaration Of Independence. He was a founding Father. -
He was a French Philosopher. He was also an author. -
French Revolution
It was the decline or bign churches and powerful merchants, and the uprising or democracy and nasionalism. -
Toussaint L'Ouverture
''Black Napoleon"
Leader of the Haitian reballion. -
George Washington
First President of the United States of America. -
Spanish American Wars For Independence
Spanish Wars working towards independence.