Age of Kings Project

  • Gunpowder Plot

    Gunpowder Plot
    The gunpowder plot to assassinate James I is discovered and Prevented
    The picture is of the members of this plot that were caught
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    Charles I agrees to Parliament’s petition of right
    <---- the Petition of right
  • The English Civil War

    The English Civil War
    The english civil war begins between Royalists supporters of Charles I and the Parliamentarians
    Picture of one of the battles ---->
  • Charles I Executed

    Charles I Executed
    Charles I is charged with high treason, tried, found guilty, and executed
    Charles I being executed for treason
  • Lord Protector

    Lord Protector
    Oliver Cromwell names himself Lord Protector
    Picture of Oliver Cromwell --->
  • Charles II

    Charles II
    Charles II takes the throne during the Restoration
    Portrait of Charles II
  • James II

    James II
    Charles II dies and his catholic brother James II accedes to the throne
    Portrait of James II ---->
  • William and Mary

    William and Mary
    William and Mary assume the english throne in Glorious revolution
    Picture of William and Mary
  • The English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights
    The English bill of rights is passed by parliament declaring the rights and liberties of english people
    Picture of the english bill of rights ---->