May 16, 1450
Prince Henrey, Portugal
Prince henry sailed from Portugal arond the africa tip. He look for place that have gold and silver, to make their coins. prince also looked for a new trade route, so Portugal can get wealther. Also so they can get more trade. -
May 17, 1473
Bartolomeu Dias, Portugal
Went after Prince Henry death. Went around the Africa tip. Then a wind blow him southwards. Went the storm was over he ws in the west coast of Africa. he named it Cape of storm and then the king named it Cape of god hope. -
Aug 1, 1492
christopher Columbus, Ilaly
Queen Isabella of Spain supported his idea. He set sail with three ships. they were called the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
he had a crew of about 90 sailers. Three days later he landed on the bahamas. On Jan. 1493, columbus went back to spain with gold, parrots, cotton, and other plan and animals, and some native americans. -
May 23, 1493
treaty of tordesillas
pope drew a papal line of demarcation or an imaginery line from the north pole to the southpole,some 3000 miles -
May 23, 1497
John cabot, England
Explore the coast of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and established claimed for England in the americas. -
May 23, 1497
Amerigo Vespucci, Spain
Explored Atlantic coast of South America. He was one of the first to beleive he had reached the new world. -
Jun 9, 1497
Vasco da Gama, Portuguese
He lead a convoy. A convoy is a group of four ships. They siped down the Tagus river from lisbon, Portugal. They went as far as Cape Verde.Order from the king to proclaim the christain faith and to wrest kingdom and the new state from the hand of the barbarians. After four mouth some of the crew were sick. Then they kept on sailing around Aferica to the island of Mozambique -
May 19, 1513
vasco Nunez de Baloa, spain
First European to sail east shore of the pacific Ocean -
May 19, 1513
Ponce de Leon, Spain
Sail North from Puerto Rico to explore Florida. -
May 20, 1513
Franciso Pizzaro, spain
Oct 18, 1519
Ferdinand magella, spain
He set sail from spain. He had a feet of five ships and crew of 256. went around the tip of South America. He sailed thou the Great South Sea ( Pacific Ocean). -
May 20, 1521
hernan Cortez, spain
He invated Mexico. With guns and small pots he destord the native americans. Took lots of gold. -
May 23, 1523
Giovanni da V errazano, France
Hired to a northwest parrage. He sailed along the atlantic coast from North Carolina to new york. -
May 23, 1527
alvar Nunez cabeza de Vaca,Spain
joined the expeditoin of Pamfilo de Naruaez to florrida in 1526 as treasurer. He was the only surcicor who remained on the mainland -
May 23, 1531
Jacpues Cartier,
He looked for the northwest passage. Had two small ships and 61crew members. sailed down the coast of newfoundland. -
Jun 27, 1542
juan rodrigues cabrillo
led the first Eurpean expedition to explore the coast of North America -
May 23, 1577
Sir Fancis Drake, England
first English man to sail around the world -
John Davis English
explored, west coeast of Greenland in search of northwest passage to Asia