
Age of Exploration: Portugal and Spain

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Henry the Navigator is born in Porto, Portugal

    Henry the Navigator is born in Porto, Portugal
    In 1418, Prince Henry founded the first navigational school along with an astronomical observatory. He organized various expeditions, which resulted in the discovery of the Madeira Islands and the Azores. Later expeditions explored the African coast
  • Jan 1, 1451

    Bartolomeu Dias is born in the Algarve, Portugal

    Bartolomeu Dias is born in the Algarve, Portugal
    In 1488, he was the first to go around the Cape of Good Hope located at the southern trip of Africa. His journey opened the sea route to the Indian Ocean.
  • Oct 31, 1451

    Christopher Columbus is born in Genoa

    Christopher Columbus is born in Genoa
    Christopher Columbus was a sailor, who convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that he could reach the eastern coast of Asia by crossing the Atlantic Ocean. He received financial backing from the Spanish monarchs. During his first trip he landed in Bahamas, Cuba and Hispaniola. In later voyages, he explored the Orinoco River in present-day Venezuela and the eastern coast of Central America.
  • Mar 9, 1454

    Amerigo Vespucci is born in Florence, Italy

    Amerigo Vespucci is born in Florence, Italy
    It's after this explorer that America is named. During his career, he sailed for both the Spanish and the Portuguese. In his first expedition reached the mouth of the Amazon River and explored the coast of South America. He was the first explorer to realize that North and South America were continents separate from Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Vasco da Gama is born in Alentejo, Portugal

    Vasco da Gama is born in Alentejo, Portugal
    In 1498, he was the first European to arrive at India by sea . The Portuguese established trading posts along the new routes.
  • Nov 17, 1474

    Juan Ponce De Leon born in Valladolid, Spain

    Juan Ponce De Leon born in Valladolid, Spain
    In 1493, Ponce de León sailed with Christopher Columbus on Columbus' second voyage to the Americas. He settled on Hispaniola. Later he became the governor of Puerto Rico.
    In 1513, he became the first European explorer to set foot in Florida, which he believed to be an island. Ponce De Leon is usually associated with the quest for finding the Fountain of Youth.
  • Jan 1, 1480

    Ferdinand Magellan born in Douro, Portugal

    Ferdinand Magellan born in Douro, Portugal
    The first voyage around the world In 1519 an expedition of five boats and 250 sailors left Seville. Their goal was to find a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands. In 1520, they found a strait connecting both oceans. It was later named Strait of Magellan. They sailed on to the Philippines. There, Magellan was killed in a fight with the natives. After three years, only eighteen men and one ship returned. They were the first to circumnavigate the world.
  • May 1, 1485

    Hernan Cortes is born in Medellin, Spain

    Hernan Cortes is born in Medellin, Spain
    He sailed out to the Dominican Republic in 1504, then on to Cuba in 1511 where he helped Diego Velázquez conquer the island. In 1518, Velázquez made Cortés the head of an expedition to Mexico. Cortés quickly gathered over 300 men and an impressive fleet of ships. He sailed out to sea not long after, despite the fact that an irritated Velázquez had by then changed his mind about his decision to send Cortés. Cortés and his men made landfall at the Yucatan Peninsula in early 1519
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas signed between Spain and Portugal

    Treaty of Tordesillas signed between Spain and Portugal
    Divided the land outside of Europe between Spain and Portugal. The imaginary division was 370 leagues (1,100 miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands. Lands to the west of the line (with the exception of Brazil) belonged to Spain. Lands to the east (Asia and Africa) went to Portugal.
  • May 23, 1496

    Hernan de Soto born in Extremadura, Spain

    Hernan de Soto born in Extremadura, Spain
    While on Francisco Pizarro's expedition in the early 1530s, de Soto helped conquer Peru. In May, 1539, Hernando de Soto landed near present day Tampa Bay Florida and moved westward, searching for gold and silver. De Soto discovered the mouth of the Mississippi River.
  • May 1, 1510

    Francisco Vázquez de Coronado is born in Salamanca, Spain

    Francisco Vázquez de Coronado is born in Salamanca, Spain
    In 1535, he sailed to Mexico with Antonio de Mendoza, the first viceroy of New Spain. Coronado became governor of New Galicia province, northwest of Mexico City, in 1538
    From 1540 to 1542, he led an expedition to the American Southwest in search of the legendary Seven Cities of Cíbola to find gold. During this trip he found the Grand Canyon & the Rio Grande valley, but no gold.