Age of exploration

By Meman
  • 1341

    Age of Exploration

    Age of Exploration
    The European powers (mainly Great Britain, Portugal, France, and Spain) looked to expand their empires into the East Indies and the New World.
  • 1341

    Prince Henry goes to India (Portugal)

    Prince Henry goes to India (Portugal)
    He tries to go to India multiple times, and eventually makes it, he establishes a series of forts and trading posts.
  • 1480

    Ferdinand Magellan is born (Spain)

    Ferdinand Magellan is born (Spain)
    Ferdinand Magellan is born on Sabrosa, Portugal, to a family of minor Portuguese nobility. At the age of 12 he travelled to Lisbon to serve as pages at queen Leonoras court. There, he is exposed to stories of the great Portuguese and Spanish rivalry for sea exploration and dominance of spice trade in the East Indies. Intrigued by the promise of fame and riches, Magellan developed an interest in maritime discovery in those early years.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers some islands (Spain)

    Christopher Columbus discovers some islands (Spain)
    Cristopher Columbus discovers some islands but thinks hes in Asia. They began to send voyages regularly to get gold and silver to stimulate the Spanish economy.
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas (Spain)

    Treaty of Tordesillas (Spain)
    It was signed at Tordesillas on June 7, 1494, and authenticated at Setúbal, Portugal. The treaty divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the Crown of Castile, and Portugal.
  • 1497

    Great Britain goes westbound (Great Britain)

    Great Britain goes westbound (Great Britain)
    Great Britain wants a western route for Asia to trade. The land routes were expensive and dangerous. John Cabot found present day Canada and New England in 1497. Eventually the eastern colonies in North America are established
  • 1500

    Portugal meets brazil (Portugal)

    Portugal meets brazil (Portugal)
    Pedro Alvarez was blown off his course, and touched the coast of present-day Brazil. He established the Portuguese claim to that region.
  • 1519

    First circumnavigation around the world (portugal)

    First circumnavigation around the world (portugal)
    Ferdinand Magellan leads the first voyage around the world. He dies in the voyage but his crew makes it.
  • 1520

    One of the last of the Portuguese explorations (Portugal)

    One of the last of the Portuguese explorations (Portugal)
    Joao Almere’s fat under sailed from Portugal in 1520 to explore Codfish land and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. HE discovered islands between Newfoundland and St. Lawrence. He also discovered the Bay of Fundy
  • 1524

    Verrazano goes to the new world (France)

    Verrazano goes to the new world (France)
    He makes landfall on the coast of North Carolina and sails north.
  • 1534

    Frances territories (France)

    Frances territories (France)
    Later joined the race, and claimed most of present-day Canada. They founded Detroit, St. Louis, and New Orleans.
  • 1536

    Francisco Pizarro defeated the incas (spain)

    Francisco Pizarro defeated the incas (spain)
    He was a Spanish conquistador, he captured and killed the Incan emperor Atahuapla, and claimed the lands for spain
  • 1543

    French king tells Jacques to find a passage (France)

    French king tells Jacques to find a passage (France)
    Jacques Cartier was sent by the French king to for a passage to link the Atlantic Ocean to the pacific ocean
  • 1547

    Sebastian Cabot tells the crown (great Britain)

    Sebastian Cabot tells the crown (great Britain)
    Sebastian Cabot returns to the British crown with information about the Spanish and Portuguese overseas explorations.
  • 1552

    Thomas Wyndham brings supplies (Great Britain)

    Thomas Wyndham brings supplies (Great Britain)
    Thomas Wyndham brings back sugar and molasses from Guinea.
  • 1556

    Great Britain takes land (Great Britain)

    Great Britain takes land (Great Britain)
    The Tudor conquest of Ireland led to land confiscation to be used for plantations
  • Champlain works as a geographer (France)

    Champlain works as a geographer (France)
    Samuel Chaplian comes to North America as a geographer, he works for a French fur trading company.