Dec 16, 1405
Zhen He voyages in China.
Zheng He had 7 voyages. He came across many regions. His first voyage was from 1405-1407 and some regions along the way were Champa, Aru, Malacca, and etc. His second voyage was from 1407-1409. He brought great things to China from these voyages.He brought trophies from thrity diffrent kingdoms. -
Dec 16, 1488
Batholomeu trip at the tip of Africa
Bartholomeu became the first European marine to go around the tip of Africa. He opened a waterroute from Europe to Asia. Dias' ships rounded the perilous Cape of Good Hope and then sailed around Africa's southernmost point, Cabo das Agulhas, to enter the waters of the Indian Ocean.He also increased trade with Asia and Europe. -
Dec 16, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovers west indes.
In the fourth voyage of Christopher olumbus he found the Wes Indies. He found many foods such as pineapples, sweeet potatoes, and corn. Soon he found the plant tobacco that people in India were smoking. -
Dec 16, 1497
John cabot discovers Newfoundland.
John cabot made a voyage in 1497 where he discovered newfoundland. But they don't know to much abuout the voyage because we have no maps of his voyage or information about the discovery of Newofundland. But we do know his ships name was Matthew. -
Dec 16, 1498
Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama reached India in 1498. He is famous for his water route between Europe and India. He was born in Sines Portugual in 1469. He was a noblemen and served in the court of King John Joao. -
Apr 22, 1500
Pedro Alvarez dicovers Brazil.
Pedro was born of a wealthy family. He s fmaous for the discovery of Brazil. People say it was a mistake how he found it though. His best friend that he met was Vasco da Gama who sailed around the tip of africa. -
Dec 16, 1522
Megellan's ship the victoria's voyage.
Megellan's ship Victoria was the last ship to complete a voayge around the globe and at the end there were only eighteen surviors by the time itreached spain. -
vikings discover Greenland.
Greenland is a place of extreme artic conditions. Polar ice caps and glaciers. The Icelandic vikings found it when they settled on the southwestern coast. This part was very unpopulated at the time when they arrived.