Age of Absolution

  • Oct 26, 1520

    Charles V Inherits Three Crowns

    Charles I, or most known as Charles V, inherited the throne of his grandfather when he passed away. He controlled the expeditions of South Americas, the piece of land on Netherlands that Spain controlled, and Spain itself. His crowning led disaster throughout the Spanish lands, as they eventually lost the piece of land that they controlled from Netherlands. This eventually led to Spain's decline in their economy.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Charles V gives up the Crown

    Charles V, gave up the Crown on January 16th after pressure all over the Hapsburg Empire and splitted it up to his brother Ferdinand and his Phillip II. Ferdinand, was given the Hapsburg islands, Spain, Netherlands and some southern Italian states. Then, his son Phillip II was given the overseas empire (The South Americas). This event eventually gave Spain some power as Phillip II regained the economy that his father used.
  • Oct 27, 1571

    Battle of Lepanto

    The Battle of Lepanto took place in October 27th, 1571 in the Meditarreanean Sea. The Battle of Lepanto was Spain and Italy against the Ottoman Turks. This battle was one of Phillip the II biggest achievements as he convinced all the Christian people that Spain were still powerful. Then, the Spanish gained land on the Ottoman Turks Plus, the Ottoman Turks were extremely powerful during that time, right before they hit their decline (300 years later).
  • Aug 24, 1572

    St. Barthomelew's Day

    The Religious War of France took place during the 1560's until the 1590's. This war tore France apart, because this signalled the breakdwon of all types of order in France. It started out with the Huguenots, who were the French Protestants. But, in a royal wedding called,"St. Barthomelew's Day" the Catholic massacred thousands of Huguenots. During the following days, the Catholic people from France finished off any resistance against the Huguenots and were persecuted.
  • A Huguenot is crowned King

    A Huguenot took over France's throne in 1589 and brought back the power France had before. His name was Henry IV. During his first four years, he fought against a strong and fierce Catholic opposition to gain control of all France. But, he changed to Catholicism to end the conflict between him and the Catholics. One of his greater achievements as a monarch was later on, as he issued the Edict of Nantes, which granted Huguenots religious toleration and their freedoms.
  • End of the Tudor Dynasty

    End of the Tudor Dynasty
    This date was the end of the Tudor Dynasty. This dynasty was English and it started on August 22, 1485. The dynasty's symbol was a flower with a crown. The last ruler of this dynasty was Elizabeth I. These monarchs believed in the divine right and recognized the value of good relationships with the Parliament.
  • Beginning of English Civil War

    This is the date of the start of the English Civil War. This war was fought between Parliamentarians and the Cavaliers. The Parliament forces were made up of counrty gentry, town-dwelling manufacturers and Puritan clergy while the Cavalier forces were composed of wealthy nobles, well trained in dueling and warefare forces.
  • Peace of Westphalia Finish Signing

    This treaty helped many countries calm down with the wars. The treaty was signed from May to October. On May, there was one treaty signed while in October there were two more signed to complete the Peace of Westphalia.
  • Louis XIV inherits the throne

    Louis XIV or most commonly known as Louis the Great, inherited the throne on June 7th, 1654. King Louis XIV gave France a great power as he ruled for over 70 years. He strengthened the Royal power, which collected taxes and recruited soldiers. This jobs were for only middle-class (inclining to wealth). One of his well known achievements is Versailles. Versailles has halls and salons that displayed the finest paintings. Their were royal gardens and became the perfect symbol for the Sun King.
  • Peter the Great is Crowned King

    Peter the Great took over the throne in 1682, but didn´t take control until he was 17, which was in 1689. This event led to Russia modernizing themelselves of the west (Europe). He westernized all Russia during his rule. One of the most known acts that Peter did was making people´s appearance relatively similar to Europeans. But, his most known achievement was expanding Russia´s borders and making Russia into a great military force. He also built St. Petersburg and expanded with seaports.
  • Coronation of James II of England

    On this date, James II was crowned as the kind of England. Unlike his brother Charles II, James practiced his Caholic faith. He appointed Catholics to high offices. English Protestants feared that James would restore the Riman Catholic Church.
  • Frederick the Great Inherits the Throne

    Frederick the Great inherits the throne on this date. This is very important, because Frederick the Great was the person who won the Thirty Years War. He was also the best monarch for the kingdom of Prussia.
  • Maria Theresa Inherits the Throne

    Maria Theresa was the only female ruler of her dynasty. She was also the last. Maria Theresa was the ruler of Austria and she got her power from her father, Charles VI. Charles VI persuaded other European rulers to recognize his daughter's rights.