African Americans in the early 20th Century


    1. Spokes person for Afrcan- Americans.
    2.Founed Tuslegee University which grew and focused on training African-Americans in Ag.He beilved that if African-Americans worked hard and optained finachale independence and cultural advancdement they would win acceptance and respect from whites.

    1.W.E.B was widely recognized as a significant figure for his pursiut of social justice for his literal immigrantion and pioneering scholary research. in 1905 Dubioius was known for " The individual and social conscience".
    2. He gave up the idea of evintual racial unity perhaps disstressful now of white capitals and politicans. He challenged imperialiism in Africans and sit out to get most white members (N.A.A.C.P)

    1. Mandated all racial segergations in public places in souhtern states of the former confederate.
    2. Led to conditions for African Americans that were infier a number of economic educational and socail disadvantage.
    3. The remaining JIM CROW LAWS were over rules by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    1. Jamacian politiican leader, publisher journalist, straunfch propent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements which founded Universal Negro Improvemnt Assocation and African communities league.
    2. He abandoned the program in the mid 1920's. After much opposition from Eourpean powers with interest in Liberia. In response to Americans suggestions that he wanted to take all ethnic Africansw of the Diaspora back to Africa.

    1.Was a decison up holding the constitution of the state laws requiring racial segertation in public area under the docterum of "Serperate but Equal"
    2.Impact was a African Americans this seperated them from everything, in bathrooms, schools, and restraunts.
    3. "Seperate but Equal" remained stanard doctrine in U.S laws until the repudation in 1954 Supreme Court decsion Brown vs. Board of Education.

    Febuary 12,1909
    1.Was formed partly in response to the continuley horiffic practice of lyching and the 1908 race in springfield.
    2. in the NAACP, nations oldest , largest and most widely recognized grass-rooted based civil rights organizatrion.Wiht a stro emphasis on local organizing by 1913 the NAACP had established