European Start Voyaging
Europeans begin making long sea journeys -
Africans Begin Trading With Europeans That Have Just Arrived On The Coast
Africans beyond the Sahara begin trading with Europeans who have just arrived on the coast -
African Traders Begin Selling Slaves For Guns
African traders start selling slaves for guns, food, and other resources. -
Europeans Built Trading Posts On The African Coast
Europeans start building lots of trading posts on the African coast. -
Southern & Eastern Africa Were Colonized
Southern & Eastern Africa have been colonized. -
Slave Trade Is Mostly Outlawed
Slave trade is beginning to be outlawed. -
Europeans Begin Colonizing Africa
European powers begin colonizing Africa. -
Africans Get Their Land Back
Africans get their land back. -
European Nations Divide Africa Into Colonies
Europeans nations end up dividing Africa into colonies. -
South Africa Gains Independence
South Africa Gains Independence -
South Africa Gains Independence From Britain
South Africa finally is free of Britains control -
The Kikuyu People Started A Political Organization
The Kikuyu people create an organization to gain independence. -
Ethiopia Is Invaded By Italy
Ethiopia is invaded by Italy. -
African Independence Movements Gain Momentum
African independence begins to gain popularity. -
Apartheid Is Adopted In Africa
Africa now has apartheid. -
Sudan Gains Indepence
Sudan is now independent. -
Ghana Becomes Independent
Ghana is now independent. -
Nigeria Becomes Independent
Nigeria finally becomes independent. -
Belgium Gives Independence To The Belgian Congo
The Belgian Congo is now independent. -
ANC Leader Nelson Mandela Is Jailed
Nelson Mandela gets taken to jail. -
Kenya Gains Independence
Kenya finally gains independence. -
Army Leader Joseph Mobutu Seized Power & Changes The Country's Name To Zaire
The country's name is now Zaire. -
An Oil-Rich Region Controlled By Igbo Tries To Leave Nigeria
Igbo tries to leave Nigeria. -
South Africas President Realizes Apartheid Is Wrong
South Africas president finally realizes apartheid is destroying Africa. -
Nelson Mandela Is Released From Jail
Nelson Mandela has been released from police custody. -
Nelson Mandela Becomes President
Nelson Mandela is now president of Africa. -
The Hutu Military & Militia Groups Kill An Estimated 800,000 To 1 Million Tutis
800,000 to 1 million Tutsis are killed. -
Lots Of Black Farmers Are Killed
Hundreds of thousands of black farmers are killed -
Several Million People Are Killed After Several Civil Wars
Millions are killed in wars. -
The Arab Spring Begins
The "Arab Spring" is now gain popularity -
South Sudan Becomes Independent
South Sudan is finally independent. -
Tunisia's Dictator Resigns
Tunisia's dictator resigns. -
King's Powers Are Limited
King's powers are limited due to a movement. -
Qaddafi Is Killed
Qaddafi is killed -
Egypts President Hosni Mubarak Is Forced To Resign
Egypt's president resigns -
An Islamist President Mohammed Morsi Is Elected For Egypt
Egypt's president is now Mohammed Morsi. -
The Military Imprisons Morsi & Banned His Political Party
Morsi is imprisoned and his political party is banned