Afoma Nursing journey

By afomao
  • At 11years old, I wanted to become a lawyer

    I had a couple of relatives who were Lawyers and I admired them.
  • At 16 years old, I thought maybe I should go into healthcare.

    I experienced a skin injury during a routine bloodwork, and it was downplayed. I was told to be grateful it was not worse. I wondered how many victims of medical errors we have out there.
  • Diploma in Business and Industrial Law

    I got into the university and started my journey to become a Lawyer.
  • Bachelor's degree

    I changed my major to a Bachelors in English Language
  • Graduated with a Bachelors

    B.A English Language received from the Lagos State University.
  • Witnessed a near tragedy when my sister went into labor for her daughter.

    She received 17 pints of blood over 3 months during which she was admitted to the hospital 3 times due to severe hemorrhage. I thought about going into healthcare again.
  • National Youth Service Corps

    I served as a high school English teacher in an underserved area for the compulsory 1 year of service to the Federal Government upon graduation from the university.
  • Worked in Telecoms and Banking

    I started my career in the marketing department of a Telecoms company then went into banking.
  • I started working as a caregiver

    I had my first baby and started working as a caregiver.
  • Started prerequisites and nursing, got CNA license from Chaffey College

    I started working in hospitals directly and through registries.
  • Licensed Vocational Nurse

    I completed my LVN program, passed the boards, and started working in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
  • Associates Degree in Nursing

    I started the LVN to ADN program at UUN.