Baby hitler

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th in 1889

  • Birth of Hitler

    Birth of Hitler
    He was born on April 20th 1889 in the small village of Braunau Am Inn in Austria.He was the forth child and he was baptized as a Roman catholic.
  • Hitler's first day of first grade

    Hitler's first day of first grade
    Hitler was only six years old when he went to the first grade at a public school in the village of Fischlham near Linz.
  • The man of the Household

    When his father died he had to be the one who took care of is family
  • Death of his mother

    On January 14,1907 Hitler's mother died of breast cancer
  • Failed art examed

    Hitler failed his art exam.Returning home he found out that his mother was dieing of cancer.
  • Homeless in Vinnea

    Homeless in Vinnea
    Hitler moved to Vinnea with the dream of going to an art acedemy and becoming a great artist
  • The nazi leader

    The nazi leader
    Hitler bcame the nazi leader in 1921.He was a very effective speaker and spoke to large crowds.
  • Trail of Treason

    Trail of Treason
    Hitler became a internationally and nationally figure because of all the press coverage.judges would allow hitler to use thier courtrooms to speak and give speeches.
  • Fresh Start

    After being released from prison, Adolf Hitler has learned from his mistakes.h he wrote a book called Mein Krampf,thinking back on how he failed the nazi revolution and its implications of the future.
  • Quiet years

    Quiet years
    This was the happiess times of hitlers life.He had overcome any of the nazi rivalrys and assumed the tille of the supreme leader.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    This was the worst time for Germany.Stock markets crashed, people were laid off.
  • Hitler's opportunity

    Hitler's opportunity
    While Germany still in depression, Hitler found that his opportunity had arrvied.Ever since he failed the beer hall, he changed his tatics and was far from playing the rules of democracy.He attempted to overthrow the young german democracy force but failed.
  • Germans elect nazis

    Germans elect nazis
    On October 19, with thier brown shirts on, the nazis were elected by Germany.Their votes were 6,371,000."Present! Heil Hitler" was what the people were shouting.
  • Geli Raubel

    Geli Raubel
    Hitler's love interest was his niece Geli Raubal. They did not make a very good couple.There were always arguments, never any peace. One day Hitler found himself getting horrible news that his wife commited suicide.For days he could not eat or sleep due to his wife's death.
  • Adolf for President

    Adolf for President
    Adolf Hitler ran to be Germany's new president.
  • Hitler: The Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler was Voted Chancellor of Dictator of Germany In 1933
  • Getting the position back

    When he was voted Chancellor, he had dinner with the German General staff talking about re-arming Germany so they could regain their position back in the world