Adolf Hitler Timeline

  • When Adolf Hitler was born

    He was born in Braunau am inn in Austria
  • Period: to

    Hitler's birth to his death

  • Hitler goes to Vienna

    Adolf Hitler left school at the age of 16 to go to Vienna, hopeing he would become an artist
  • Hitler leaves Vienna

    Hitler left Vienna to go to Munich, but while he was in Vienna, he got his first education in politics.
  • War breaks out.

    Hitler joins the Sixteenth Bavarian Infantry Regiment.
  • The first movement Hitler was a part of.

    He was the leader, or fuhrer, of a movement with over 3,000 people in it.
  • Hitler was arrested and tried.

    He was arrested and tried for attempting to get a new government for Munich, and he marched with his men, only to be stopped by gunfire, leaving 16 people dead.
  • Hitler abandoned the Versallies Treaty

    He abandoned and started to make an army, and amry that was five times the permitted number.
  • The ban on the Nazi party was lifted.

    Not only was this ban lifted, ut Adolf Hitler also regained permission to speak publicly
  • Hitler was in the German election

    Him and the Nazi party only got 12 seats, but the beginning of the Great Depression helped him to get the votes of people who were scared of their economy failing, He still lost though. This happened the next year too.
  • Hitler was, again, in this election.

    He was still running for elections, but kept failing to win.
  • Hitler ran for presidency again

    He was helped to power by the hesitant von Hindenburg and other political parties.
  • Hitler moved fast now that he was in power.

    He quickly began to change many things, and he gained the majority vote at a democratic election. He used persuasion to convince the citizens things that we not true to keep control and power
  • Hitler started building up to invade Poland.

    He started the concentration camps, persecution of churches, and many other things.
  • The Nazi Party invades Poland.

    It was overrun in less than a month! Other countries including Denmark, Norway,Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and France were all dominated in a matter of time. Only Great Britain stood firm.
  • The Battle of Britain begins

    This was a major setback for Adolf and the Nazis.
  • Hitler was driven to implent the Final Solution of the Jewish Question.

  • Hitler's heath was doing poorly.

    He was expiriancing bad things from the medication his physician was giving him.
  • Invasions started happening.

    Allies captured Sicily and bombing were starting to happen. The war was almost to an end and Hitler's was not going to be in charge anymore.
  • Hitler marries.

    Hitler married Eva Braun and did the Final Political Testament.
  • Hitler commits suicide.

    He shot himself through the mouth with a pistol