Adolf Hitler was born.
Event #1 - Adolf hitler was born on April 20,1889. He was born to father Alois Hitler and mother Klara hitler. He was raised bye a family of poor peasants in the small austrian town of Braunau Am Inn.
This event is significant because he would go on yo be the leader of Nazi Germany and kill many people.
Source: (Open.edu 1) -
Spanish American War
WE #2 - The Spanish American war started on April 21 1889 and went to December 10 1898. It was a conflict over Spanish colonial rule in the Americas. It resulted in The U.S buying Spanish terriory in Latin America and on the west coast.
This event is significant because it helped shape the United States of America
Source: (Moss/ Wilson p243-244) -
Nobel peace prize first awarded.
World Event #1 - In 1901, created by Alfred Nobel, the nobel peace prize was first awarded. IT is awarded to men and women for their work in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and for work in peace.The first prize was awarded to Jean Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy.
THis event is important because it is a major award and still gets awarded today.
Source: (Moss/Wilson p10) -
The radio is invented
WE #5 - In 1902 Lee De Forest invented the radio. He recived a PhDf rom Yalein 1896 with a dissertation on radio waves. In 1902, he founded the De Forest Wireless Telegraph Company but it failed due to lack of buisness knowledge.
This event is important because we still use this invention today.
Source: (Moss/ Wilson p89) -
Albert Einstein explains special relativity.
WE #4 - In 1905 Albert Einstein creates his theory on special relativity. His theory is all about what's relative and what's absolute about time, space, and motion. It basicly says whats relative to one person is not always the same for a different person. But something that is absolute is veiwed the same by everyone.
This event is significant because it is a major scientific discovery that we still use today.
Source: (Moss/Wilson p38-39) -
Hitler faces poverty
Event #2 - From 1909-1913 while living in Vienna Hitler faces poverty. He takes up small jobs, like selling post cards that he drew of famous sights, to earn money. during this time he engaged in much political activity, by going to meetings and absorbing as much political newspapers and literature as possible.
This event is significant because it shows that Hitler did not start off with great power.
Source (Open.edu 1) -
Hitler joins army
Event #3 - On July 28, 1914 Hitler Joins the army. At the start of world war 1 He volunteers for the army and joins the 16th Barvarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. He quickly climbs the ladder and gets promoted to corporal and is given the Iron Cross for services as a runner on the western front.
This is importants because it shows that Hitler had expiernce in war.
Source; (open.edu) -
Hitler assigned to Intelligence/Propaganda section
Event #4 - On May 16, 1919 Hitler gets assigned to the Intelligence/Propaganda section of the army. He lans on remaining in the army. He is appointed to the Intelligence/Propaganda section of the German army. Here he recieves political training. He gives the german troops speeches supporting German nationalism and anti-socialism.
this event is important because it shows where he recieved his political expiernce.
Source: (Open.edu 1) -
Babe Ruth sold to Yankees
WE #3 - On january 3 1920 the Boston Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees for $125,000. The Red Sox would not win another world series for another 86 years. This would be known as the curse of the bambino.
This event is significant because it is one of the greatest trades in all of basbeall history.
Source; (Burke p48) -
Hitler becomes leader
Event #5 - In 1921 Adolf challenges Anton Drexler to become the leader of the National Socialist German Workers party, aka the Nazi party. After initial uncertainty Drexler agrees and Hitler becomes leader.
This event shows the begining of hitlers rise to power in Germany.
Source:(Open.edu 1) -
Baseballs Big Boom
WE #6 - As the great depression swept across america owners of mlb teams feared that the attendence of games would be too low. The league changed the covering of the baseball making it travel farther hoping to rise attendence. The offencive was explosive that year.
This event is important because it shows a major event in sports histiry and in american history.
Source: (Burke p48) -
Hitler abolishes president title.
Event #6 - In July of 1934 Hitler becomes Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor after the death of President Hindenburg. He then abolishes the title of president.
This ivent is important because it shows how hitler is making the German government his own and is not following past presidents.
Source: (open.edu 1) -
Crystal Night
Event #7 - The night of November 9 1938 was reffered to as "Crystal Night". Hitler and his men destroyed 7500 Jewish shops and burnt 400 synagogues. This attack was the result of the death of a German diplomat by a Jewish refugee in Paris.
this event is important because it shows Hitlers hatred towards the Jewish religion and is foreshadowing towards further actions.
Source: (open.edu 1) -
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was built
Event #8 - On April 27 1940 the building of Auschwitz-Birkenau was finished. It was the largest of Nazi concentration camps. This camp was built in the town of Oświęcim because it was at the center of intersecting railways and roads.
This event is important because hitler built many concentration camps wher the Jews were kept, this was the largest one built.
Source: (worldhistoryproject.org 3) -
Jewish uprising at Sobibor
Event #9 - On October 14 1943 led by Polish-Jewish prisoner Leon Feldhendler and Soviet POW Alexander "Sasha" Pechersky the jews imprisoned in sobidor concentration camp staged a uprising. It was considered a succsees but only about half the prisoners escaped into the forest.
This event is important because it shows the Jews begining to rebel and the downfall of Hitler.
source: (worldhistoryproject.org 4) -
Hitler died
Event #10 - On April 30 Hitler commited suicide with his wife. Their bodies were believed to be cremated.
This event is important because it is the end of Hitlers reign and the end of torture for the jews.
Source: (Open.edu 1)