Adolf hitler

  • HItler

    Hitler is born in Braunau Am Inn, Austria
  • Art School

    Art School
    At the age of 17, Hitler moves to Vienna, He plans to go to art school but he iwas rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.
  • Period: to

    Hitler turning point in life.

  • move to Germany.

    Hilter moves to germany because he was rejected but the Austrian army for being too weak.
  • Nazi Party

    Nazi Party
    Hilter was announced to be the leader for the Nazi Party Which is a political party.
  • Jewish Holocaust begins

    Jewish Holocaust begins
    The Jewish Holocaust was lead by hitler to eliminate most of the Jews from Europe.
  • Hitler dicatator.

    Hitler dicatator.
    Hilter was announced the dicator of germany
  • World war 2

    World war 2
    World war 2 starts
  • Germany vs USA

    Germany vs USA
    HItler declares war on USA because USA declared war on Japan
  • Hitler survives an assassination attempt.

    Hitler escapes serious injury when a bomb explodes at his headquarters in Berlin.
  • Germany loses

    Germany lost the war and Hitler kills himself before he gets caught by the Russians.