Adolf Hitler

  • Hitler is born

    Hitler was born to Klara Hitler Alois Hitler in Braunau am Inn, Austria.
  • Finding his purpose in life

    Hitler began to take political training when appointed to Intelligence/Propaganda section. Some of his duties involved giving speeches to troops to improve his speeking skills.
  • After being discharged from the army

    After joining the german Worker's party, he took responsibility for propaganda and publicity. This is when he changed the party's name to National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI).
  • Becoming leader of the nazi party

    Hitler challanges Anton Drexler to become leader of the the Nazis. Anton eventually agreed and Hitler became the leader.
  • chancellor of a coalition government.

    Hitler becomes chancellor of a coalition government.
  • The rise of a dictator

    The Enabling Act is passed which passes powers of legislation to Hitler’s cabinet for four years. He proclaims the only legal party is the Nazis and disbands the remaining parties.
  • Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor

    After President Hindenburg died, Hitler became “Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor” and takes away the president mantle
  • Expanding Germany

    Britain, France and Italy sign the Munich Agreement that gives the Sudetenland (German populated borderlands of Czechoslavakia), to Germany.
  • The Crystal Night

    Seven thousand five hundred Jewish shops are destroyed and 400 synagogues are burnt. The Nazis also kill many Jews and send 20,000 to concentration camps.
  • Era of terror coming to an end

    German surrender at Battle of Stalingrad and continually retreat.
  • Assassination attempt

    Hitler survives an assassination attempt from Colonel Stauffenberg. He placed a bomb in briefcase close to Hitler under a table
  • Hitler's end

    Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, commited suicide two days after the wedding.