Adolf Hitler

  • The Birth of Hitler

    The Birth of Hitler
    Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, on April 20, 1889. Hitler was the son of an Austrian custon official, Alois Schickelgruber Hitler, and his third wife, a young peasenat girl, Klara Poelzl.
  • Period: to

    Adolf Hitler

  • The Death of Hitlers Father

    Hitlers Father died in January 3, 1903.
  • School Dropout

    Hitler dropped out of school when he was only sixteen, he dropped out to begin his dreams of becoming a painter.
  • The death of Hitler Mother

    Hitlers Mother died of Breast Cancer in 1908, Hitlers mother was a good hard working person. Hitler was extremely close and cared for his mother.
  • The Symbol For the Nazi Party

    In 1919 Hitler discovered the new Party Symbol, the swastika.
  • germans Worker's Party

    Hitler never had like a regular job, but he joined the Germnas Workers Party in 1919 at the age of thirty, hitler started to succeed in life.
  • The Nazi Party

    "In January 1925 the ban of the Nazi Party was removed and Hitler was given permission to speak in public"
  • Chancellor

    Hitler was named Chancellor on January 30th, 1933, he became Chancellor over bassically an argument, becuase someone was named Chancellor but Hitler demanded for re-elctions.
  • The Rise of Hitler

    Hitler was abolishing the free trade unions, emiminating the communists , the social democrats and jews were sent to the concertration camps.