Adolf hitler painting

Adolf Hitler

  • Adolf Hitler Born

    Adolf Hitler Born
    Hitler born in Braunau Austria.
  • Hitler drops out of school

    Hitler drops out of school
    Hitler drops out of school after he fails his examantions. (Janurary 1st is not the exact day time line creator required a month and day)
  • Hitler moves to Vienna

    Hitler moves to Vienna
    Hitler moved to Vienna after his mom died of breast cancer. He attempted to be an artist but he was rejected. During his time in Vienna, he became interested in politics Acually day is not correct due to know documentation of day
  • Left Austria

    Left Austria
    Month and date unkown
    Hitler leaves Austria to avoid being placed into the Austrian army.
  • Hitler Enters WWI

    Hitler Enters WWI
    Hitler crosses the border into world war one
  • Germany Surrenders WWI

    Germany Surrenders WWI
    Hitler was greatly upset with the surrender.
  • Hitler joins the German Worker Party

    Hitler joins the German Worker Party
    Hitler was sent to investigate the German Worker Party and liked the ideas, so he joined. Not far after joining, he became the speaker. Birth of the Nazis
  • Putsch Attempt by Storm Troopers

    Putsch Attempt by Storm Troopers
    attempt to seize control:failed
    Hitler was put into prison were he wrote Mein Kampf or My Stuggle.
  • Period: to

    Economic Depression

    The depression hit's Germany hard. This gives a chance for Hitler's rise to power.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Also he passes the enabeling act soon after.
  • Reichstaug Burns

    Reichstaug Burns
    Hitler blames the communists, many believe it was the Nazi party that burned down the building.
  • Night Of the Long Knives

    Night Of the Long Knives
    Many people was killed by the Nazi party. Some Nazi's were killed as well. Also people were shipped off to the first concentration camp: Dauchau.
  • Hitler becomes Fuehrer

    Hitler becomes Fuehrer
    Hitler gains ultimate power.
  • The Germans March into the Rhineland

    The Germans March into the Rhineland
    The allies do nothing, and it becomes a huge victory for Germany.