Adobe Flash

By jahoira
  • Creacion de Adobe Flah

    Creacion de Adobe Flah
    Student Jonathan Gay used an old Apple II computer to create computer drawing programs.
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    Fundo FutureWave Software, I immediately create smartScketch
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    The developers of FutureWave realized the possibility of using SmartScketch as an animation tool.
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    The first units of Future Splash Animator were sold to the public
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    Macromedia offers to buy the program, and Gay accepts; Micromedia shortened the name of the product to Flash, and named vice president of the technology
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    Adobe Systems acquired macromedia, including the program
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    Adobe released a new version of Flash known as CS3
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    It went on the market Adobe Flash CS4
  • Jonathan Gay

    Jonathan Gay
    It went on the market Adobe Flash CS5