Lifetime of adventures featuring Addisen Huffman & friends!

  • I was born!

    I was born!
    I was born in the afternoon on Sunday April 29th, 2007, at Spectrum Downtown. Fun fact, I was born with a full head of hair, my hair was jet black and my birthmark is a single blonde streak in the back of my head which was most visible my first few months of living.
  • I started walking & talking on my own!

    I started walking & talking on my own!
    I don't have specific pictures capturing both instances of my 'firsts', but these are representation photos of me walking and talking during my first year of life!
  • First African American President was elected

    First African American President was elected
    Barack Obama was elected the first African American in 2008, and became a very well liked and appreciated President up until 2017. He was the fourth president to also earn and Noble Peace Prize in 2009.
  • I went camping for the first time

    I went camping for the first time
    I went camping for the first time with my parents friend group from high school which we still continue to this day. Our group consists of around forty people, and all of the children have been growing up together for the last ten plus years we've gone.
  • I got my first pets

    I got my first pets
    In one year, we rescued a mixed dog (Brewin-14 as of Thursday), adopted a German Shepard (Storm-12 and passed away in 2022), and rescued a Maincoon cat (Puffy-13 until December) and still have two to this day.
  • I started pre-school

    I started pre-school
    This was my first day of Pre-school at Marshall Elementary, my first day of school ever!
  • I met my best friend in the whole world

    I met my best friend in the whole world
    My best friend that lives in Tampa Florida was born in 2012, and this is a picture of me meeting her for the first time. We've grown up together and are very close. I get to see her NEXT WEEK!
  • I started playing softball

    I started playing softball
    I started tee-ball with my friends, it sparked a love that continued up until this year when I decided to be done with it, and had a really good time playing for 11 years. Me and my first team in the photo together!
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    The marathon is annually held on Patriots Day, and is held in Massachusetts, more than 26,000 people participated in 2013, at hour five the first bomb exploded, and less than 15 seconds later the second went off. There was over 100 injured and 3 deaths total. One bomber was injured in a getaway and the other was sentenced to death shortly after the incident.
  • Cousins moved in with us

    Cousins moved in with us
    My dad's brothers family moved into our house temporarily while their house was being built when I was little, allowing us to spend a lot of time with our cousins--shown in the picture, and get closer to them. This was us in my yard playing with leaves featuring our Grandma.
  • My grandma passed away

    My grandma passed away
    My grandma was diagnosed with cancer early in the year, and quickly did not respond to treatment, and in July of 2015 she passed away. She was one of my favorite people ever, and still is!
  • I went to my first dance

    I went to my first dance
    In fourth grade I went with my dad to the daddy daughter dance at Marshall Elementary and it was my first dance I've been to, it was so fun! Great bonding experience for me and my dad!
  • First University of Michigan football game

    First University of Michigan football game
    My dad took me to my first Michigan Football game, he always took my brothers because they liked football, and decided to take me which sparked a love for football and the environment of the games, we go every year to a few games now with season tickets!
  • Rescued my cat

    Rescued my cat
    In my backyard we have a wooded area and in October of 2018, a little orange kitten popped out of the woods and I went outside and took it in, and he is now my cat! Here's a picture of the first day we found him! His name is Simba.
  • Went out of the country for the first time

    Went out of the country for the first time
    For spring break I went out of the country for the first time ever, we went to a resort in Jamaica and stayed for a week, it was so fun and such a cool experience!
  • Online virtual school started

    Online virtual school started
    COVID-19 was a thing, and that led to doing online school all of my eighth grade year on zoom. Definitely a different experience that was not my favorite.
  • COVID-19 breakout

    COVID-19 breakout
    March 11, 2020, there was a declared pandemic that spread to the United States. It was first emerged from China in 2019, and has killed over one million people in the US alone.
  • I broke my nose

    I broke my nose
    At a softball tournament, my friend accidentally hit me in the face with her phone after a game, she didn't realize I was behind her and turned around fast with her phone in her hand, it broke my nose and is still not the same to this day!
  • My older brother left for the Air Force

    My older brother left for the Air Force
    My oldest brother Noah decided he wanted to go into the Air Force for Fighter Jet Avionics, and so he left in September of 2022 for Boot camp! This was before school pre airport goodbyes.
  • I had my sweet 16, I can drive!

    I had my sweet 16, I can drive!
    I turned sixteen, which means that I could finally drive on my own! This was on my birthday, when I drove to school for the first time alone!
  • I started my first job!

    I started my first job!
    I started my very first job in April of 2024 at On the Border in Grandville as a hostess. I've been working there ever since and love it.