scott fitzgaral

  • 1800

    best writer in the 19 century
  • birth

    soctt fitzgerald was born in saint paul Minnesota on september 241896
  • first dtory

    when he was 13 he published his first story in his school newspaper
  • wife

    he met his wife in 1917 when he was stationed
  • wedding

    after his novel was published he asked his wife to marry him
  • newyork

    was discharged i 1919 and moved to newyork
  • 1920

    he captured america perfectly in the 1920 also known as the best author of the great gasby
  • france

    in 1924 he moved to France hoping to spark his creativity
  • child

    his first daughter was born October 261921
  • great gasby

    great gasby
    a year after he moved to France he published his greatest work the great Gatsby
  • another book

    another book
    made another novel in 1934 called tender is the night
  • screen plays

    in 1937 Scott FitzGerald came to Hollywood to right screen plays
  • death

    he was halfway done writing his last novel called the last tycoom also know as the love of the last tycoon when he died of a heart attack on December 21 1940.