Anonymous   prise de la bastille

The French Revolution

By ZHB13
  • Estates General Called

    Estates General Called
    King Louis the XVIth had called in the Estates General to help with the economic problem in France. This has been the first time in 175 years they needed to be called in and so this can show that King Louis XVI is not the greatest if he needed some one else do his job.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    After the estate meeting the thrid estate had come together to form a National Assembly but King Louis the XVI had locked them out of a hall they were planning to use for the meetings. SO they just found another one wich was a tennis room.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Three days after the assembly was formed they had made the Tennis Court Oath were they vowed to not stop meeting there untill they had their consitution made.
  • The Storming of Bastille

    Here the assembly had decided to storm the Bastille to reacue a few prisoners and to mainly arm themselves out of fear if anymore of their people are arrested.