
Adam Margolies-60's Timeline Assignment

  • President Kennedy is elected President

    President Kennedy is elected President
    On November 8, 1960 JFK defeated Nixon in a very close election were JFK won 303-219 but the popular vote was 49.72% JFK and 49.55% Nixon.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    North Vietnam and its allies attacked South Vietnam and there allies it showed the world America wouldn't just throw there weight and win a war.
  • Richard Nixon is elected President

    Richard Nixon is elected President
    In the 1968 election Richard Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace 301-191-46. The popular vote was 43.4% Nixon, 42.7% Humphrey, and 13.5% Wallace.
  • American Astronauts land on the Moon

    American Astronauts land on the Moon
    On 2:56 GMT July 21, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin