AD 500-1000

  • 507

    Clovis' Army drives Visigoths out of France

  • 527

    Justinian I becomes emperor of Eastern Roman Empire

  • 529

    St Benedict founds the first monastery

  • 529

    St. Benedict founds his first monastery.

  • 537

    Construction of Hagia Sophia begins in Constantinople

  • 590

    St. Gregory the Great becomes pope

  • 596

    Pope St. Gregory the Great sends St. Augustine of Canterbury to England to evangelize the Anglo-Saxons.

  • 597

    St. Augustine baptizes the King of Kent

  • 632

    Death of Mohammad

    Mohammad, the founder of Islam, died.
  • 637

    Muslims attack Constantinople

  • 638

    Muslims capture Jerusalem

  • 698

    Muslims take Carthage

    End of Eastern Roman rule in North Africa
  • 711

    Muslims invade and occupy Spain

  • 716

    St. Boniface leaves England to evangelize Germania

  • 732

    France halts Muslim invasion

  • 754

    With St. Boniface’s help, the pope allies with the kings of the Franks

  • 793

    Vikings attack England

  • 800

    Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III

    Eastern Christian's did not agree with his coronation, causing division
  • 800

    Gunpowder invented

  • 885

    Vikings attack Paris

  • 997

    Muslims occupy Santiago de Compostela in Spain, burial place of St James the apostle

  • 1000

    Muslims control two thirds of the ancient Christian world

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

  • 1073

    St. Gregory VII elected pope

  • 1073

    Pope St. Gregory VII excommunicates the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV

  • 1088

    First universities founded

  • 1094

    The Byzantine emperor in Constantinople asks the West for aid against Muslim armie

  • 1095

    Pope Urban II calls for a Crusade, and Christians temporarily capture Jerusalem

  • 1144

    First Gothic cathedral completed

  • 1147

    Second Crusade

  • 1192

    Third Crusade

  • 1204

    Crusaders from the Fourth Crusade sack Constantinople

  • 1209

    Franciscan Order is founded by St. Francis of Assisi

  • 1216

    Dominican Order founded by St. Dominic

  • 1229

    The Inquisition is founded

  • 1265

    St. Thomas Aquinas write the Summa Theologica

  • 1300

    The Renaissance begins

  • 1347

    Bubonic plague arrives in Europe.

  • 1386

    St. Catherine of Siena cares for the sick and buries the dead when the plague strikes Siena.