Acts Timeline

  • The Sugar Act of April 15, 1764

    After the French and Indian war, the King had put the country in a lot of debt. So, in order to replenish that money he taxed the colonists. The Sugar Act states that all sugar, molasses and syrup were to be taxed and paid unto his majesty.
  • The Quartering Act of May 17, 1765

    The King needed to provide protective housing to the soldiers in the colonies but he didn't want to pay for housing so he enacted the Quartering Act which allows soldiers to live in any house,outhouse, barn or building even if the owner protests
  • The Stamp Act of Nov. 1, 1765

    The Stamp Act of Nov. 1, 1765
    The prime Minister noticed that the colonists were very unhappy with the Sugar Act and that the British were already paying a similar tax so the Stamp Act was enacted. It stated that all documents such as stamps, liquor licences, cards, pamphlets and newspapers and so on would be taxed.
  • The Townshend Act of June 29, 1767

    In order to prevent the colonists from smuggling goods into the colonies Charles Townshend decided that all glass, lead, paint, tea, and paper were to be taxed
  • The Tea Act of May 10, 1773

    Parliament noticed all the tension in the colonies so they repealed the Townsend act except for the tea
  • The Coercive/Intolerable Acts: Boston Port Act of March 31, 1774

    To gain better control over the colonies King George the Third passed the Coercive/Intolerable Acts: Boston Port Act which said no one can export goods into Boston except for the British
  • The Coercive/Intolerable Acts: MA Government Act and the Administration of Justice Act of May 20, 1774

    To gain more control over the colonies King George the third passed the MA Government Act and the Administration of Justice Act, which said that the colonies no longer had control over who governs them.
  • The Coercive/intolerable Acts: Quebec Act of June 22, 1774

    In order to gain land and get more people to tax, the Quebec Act was passed. It stated, that all territories, islands, and countries in North America under the crown of Great Britain, would be made apart of the Newfoundland Government and apart of Quebec