Actividad 1

  • Jan 1, 1089

    The firts Boards

    The firts Boards
    It began with the proclamation of Sovereign
    Boards in 1809.
  • Loss of the French

    Loss of the French
    In 1803, Jean Jacques Dessalines finally defeated the French
  • Declared the independence of Haiti

    Declared the independence of Haiti
    In 1804, declared the independence of Haiti. It was, thus, the
    second independent country in America, in this case, led by blacks.
  • Napoleon

    imprisoned Charles IV and his
    son Ferdinand VII and forced
    them to abdicate in his favor.
  • Spanish America

    Spanish America
    Quito was to be the first in the history of
    Spanish America to proclaim
  • The first Junta de Buenos Aires

    The first Junta de Buenos Aires
    The first Junta de Buenos Aires (25-051810) organized three military campaigns
    to subdue the Spanish forces in the interior, but they were not successful.
  • New Militar

    New Militar
    imón Bolívar -Member
    of the Caraqueña boards of
    1811- was named new military
  • Revolution spontaneously broke out in Asuncion

    Revolution spontaneously broke out in Asuncion
    However, a revolution spontaneously broke out in Asuncion (14-05-1811), and
    the resulting government-held independent. This is how the Republic of Paraguay
    was created.
  • Colonel José Artigas commanded the revolutionary troops

    Colonel José Artigas commanded the revolutionary troops
    Colonel José Artigas commanded the revolutionary troops who
    defeated the royalists at the Battle of Las Piedras (18-05-1811) and besieged the
    walled Montevideo, where the viceregal government had moved.
  • Liberated Mérida

    Liberated Mérida
    in 1813 he liberated Mérida and Caracas in the so-called
    Admirable Campaign, cities that gave him the title of "Liberator"
  • Fernando VII returned to the throne

     Fernando VII returned to the throne
    When Fernando VII returned
    to the throne in 1814,
    patriotic military campaigns
    subsisted in Venezuela and
    the Río de la Plata
  • Defeat in the Valley

    Defeat in the Valley
    In the Aconcagua Valley and although it suffered a serious
    defeat in Cancha Rayada (19-03-1818)
  • it triumphed in the decisive battle of Maipú

    it triumphed in the decisive battle of Maipú
    It triumphed in the decisive battle
    of Maipú (5-04-1818), assuring the independence of Chile.
  • San Martin sailed from Valparaíso

    San Martin sailed from Valparaíso
    San Martin
    sailed from Valparaíso (20-08-1820)
    with a fleet of eight warships and 16
    transport ships, and 4,500 men from
    the armies of the Andes and Chile.
  • Forced the realistic army to retreat towards the mountain range.

     Forced the realistic army to retreat towards the mountain range.
    It disembarked in Pisco (8-09-1820), and forced the realistic army to retreat towards the mountain range.
  • Martin and forced the viceroy La Serna to leave the city

    Martin and forced the viceroy La Serna to leave the city
    Martin (July 5, 1821), and forced the viceroy La Serna to leave the city and enter
    the mountains, with an army still very numerous.
  • San Martin declared independence

    San Martin declared independence (28-07-1821) and was appointed Protector of Peru with full civil and military authority
  • Bolívar was authorized take command of an expedition to Peru.

    Bolívar was authorized take command of an expedition to Peru.
    In 1823, Bolívar was authorized by the Congress of the Gran Colombia to take command of an expedition to Peru.
  • The scream of Lares

    On September 23, 1868, the scream of Lares, of independence against
    Spain, was produced.
  • Die Martí

    Die Martí
    Martí dies in one of
    the combat actions
    (1895), but the revolutionary army continues to fight.