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    Computer Assisted Teaching

    It was created in the 1960s in the United States, inspired by the ideas of psychologist Skinner that emerged in the late 1950s. Now, it is linked to computer use in class and includes things like practice programs, digital encyclopedias, tutors and e-books. It's basically a set of educational tools on the computer!
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    Historical background of educational software

    Educational software has evolved as technology becomes an advancing tool in all fields of knowledge. The software serves as a facilitator for teaching and learning processes, making pedagogical practices more engaging for students and enhancing proactivity in classrooms.
  • Programming

    Back in the day, making software was kind of a wild ride. There weren't many organized methods, and people just created it on the spot for each specific thing. Not a lot of folks got to use it because it wasn't widely distributed. Most of the time, one person or a small group would be in charge of making and using the software, they had tools like tutorials, practice programs,etc. The student-teacher connection happened right on the computer, they stored all the info on floppy disks.
  • Multimedia

    Computer systems are expanding, and computer software libraries are spreading. Projects are being developed to create programs for various applications, connecting videos and games to these applications. The student-teacher relationship is becoming more interactive, and information is stored on CDs. Universities are acquiring licenses to implement these advancements in classrooms.
  • Internet

    Local and global networks are on the rise, with high-bandwidth digital communications and a growing demand for instant data access. The arrival and widespread use of microprocessors are driving advancements in smart products. The use of hypertexts, chat, emails, and courservice has become common. The student-teacher relationship is diversifying through various means like chat and email. Information is stored through personal emails and shared with others.
  • E-Learning

    Computer systems are moving away from individual computers and shifting toward the collective impact of computers and software. Powerful personal machines are controlled by sophisticated operating systems. Global and local networks are accompanied by advanced software applications. Content managers are utilized, and virtual classrooms enable interaction and participation through synchronous and asynchronous spaces. Information is stored in the web space.
  • Social Software

    Social Software
    Starting from this date, the use of educational software becomes more apparent. Teachers are utilizing virtual tools like blogs and wikis, fostering collaborative learning. Contents are open, and the use of open-source software allows students to create tools and participate in teaching-learning processes through them. The deployment of virtual courses, undergraduate, and postgraduate programs has become more noticeable, evident through the web.