Smith hired as an instructor at N.C. A&T State University
Smith was employed in the department of journalism and mass communication, where he led the department's effort at adding convergence to the curriculum. -
RESEARCH: Co-authored study part of national poster session (Open link in new window)
Evaluating the readability of medical resources on local television websites'
See link to poster session>
Co-authored research on how difficult it was for the public to understand health information on TV news Web site. -
RESEARCH Paper presented at National Communication Assocation Convention (Open link in new window)
Presentation Presented a paper in Chicago on his pilot study of how Black and White college students searched for HIV/AIDS information on the Internet. He also presented that same year at the Ronald McNair conference at A&T. -
RESEARCH: Smith earns Ph.D. (Open link in new window)
A Grounded Theory Analysis of How College Students Search for Health Inforrmation on the Internet: A Case of HIV/AIDS
<br>Smith was awarded a Ph.D. in mass communications, with an emphasis in health communication. His dissertation was a grounded theory analysis of Black and White college students searched for HIV/AIDS information on the Internet. He was promoted to assistant professor. -
UNIV/DEPT SERVICE Students Smith taught win national recognition from CNN and NABJ (Open link in new window)
Press release on students' accomplishmentStudents win recognition from CNN and NABJ for contributions to CNN's 2008 Black in America series. -
RESEARCH Awarded $4,500 grant to develop an online course on new media and society
COMM. SERVICE: Worked as volunteer for Emerging Leaders
Spent summer of 2009 working as a volunter with Saveourblackboys.org, a Charlotte-based organization deddicated to improving the lives of young black men. Served as an instuctor and helped with public relations. SeeSee slideshow that I built for organization. -
TEACHING: Students cover presidential election using mobile devices (Open in a new window)
See link to article
<a href="http://cas.ncat.edu/~polisci/ExpandNews.php?Key=News&Index=130&PHPSESSID=35995e21a4b9e290d08ccc34bb195ffd>See additional press release</a> -
TEACHING: Smith's student wins student journalism award (Open link in new window)
Link to peer-reviewed article
Article is a compilation of the major points from the dissertation -
DEPT/UNIV SERVICE: Awarded $ 2,000 grant to teach multimedia techniques to faculty from the Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies
Actual workshop was held in August, 2011 -
RESEARCH: The Charlotte Observer publishes story based on online health literacy research
UNIV. SERVICE: Smith attends meeting at NBC with other HBCU "J" faculty (Open in new window)
<a hrhttp://campusweb.ncat.edu/pr/display-release.php?ID=4858ef='' >See press release</a> -
RESEARCH: Paper on journalism at HBCUs presented at SE AEJMC conference
RESEARCH/UNIV. SERVICE: Smith submits research to Bluford Library Repository
Letter of appreciationThe repository at Bluford houses research conducted by faculty at N.C. A&T. See letter of appreciation -
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT: Attended a Endnote (bibliography/reference) workshop at Bluford
Kim C. Smith,
Thank you for attending the EndNote X4® workshop on Sunday, June 5, 2011 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm.
Topics covered included:
* Importing & saving citations from databases.
* Inserting citations directly into word processing software (e.g. MSWord) using one of over 4,000 citation styles.
* Organizing references.
Thank you again!
John C. Teleha
Head, Reference & Information Literacy
F.D. Bluford Library
E-mail: teleha@ncat.edu -
DEPT/UNIV. SERVICE: High school students produce multimedia package (Open in new window)
See packageI spent 3 days with a group of high school students who produced this multimedia package on the impact the emerging media have had on their lives. Really good stuff!!!
See letter of support from organizer of event -
Research on HBCU journalism programs accepted for presentation at AEJMC (Open in new window)
RESEARCH: Magazine cites Smith's research on HBCU journalism programs (Open link in new window)
See article
<br> -
RESEARCH: New research launched
Watching-the-Watchdog: Working with Arthea Perry on a study of journalism chairs, deans and professional journalists on the ethics of reporters reporting on election poll results produced by the same media outlets that employ them. -
DEPT/UNIV SERVICE Faculty OK's suggested changes in journalism curriculum
See course changesNew course JOMC 203 (Social Media) to be taught by me approved by faculty. Faculty also approved title revision of Introduction to Converged Journalism to Introduction to multimedia journalism. Effort geared toward bringing curriulum up to date and to satisfy reaccreditation efforts. Changes go to School of Arts and Sciences as part of approval process. -
RESEARCH New research launched
See introductionWorking with Dr. Tamrat Mereba on a study of how journalism deans and chairs plan to map out the future of collegiate journalism education in a changing multimedia world. -
RESEARCH: Manscript submitted to The Journal of Electronic Communication
Manuscript on how HBCUs with journalism programs are coping with changes in 21st century journalism submitted to The Electronic Journal of Communication -
DEPT/UNIV, SERVICE Multimedia story on rally appears in Charlotte Observer
I happened to be walking in Uptown Charlotte and noticed the rally. Took out my Smartphone. Shot some pictures and wrote a story. Uploaded pictures and text to The Observer. Rally See Multimedia package -
DEPT. SERVICE: Students in converged media class contribute to the JOMC Journal
Students learning multimedia skills in my class helped contribute content to the launch of the JOMC Journal. You can see the following stories on the site:
Fight Club
Tattoo Artist
Interview with domestic violence victim -
Students provide midterm evaluation of Intro to Converged Media Course
Intro to Converged Media
Highlights: 11/20 students responded=55% response rate
90% agreed that they've learned a new set of skills for their majors. 90% said they have a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing multimedia journalism.
72% said this course should be required for journalism majors. 90% said the inst was diligent about returning graded assignments within a reasonable time. -
TEACHING: Students comment on minorities in mass media class
See link to their comments Used by permission. Open in new window. -
DEPT/UNIV. SERVICE: Smith conducts multimedia workshop for JOMC's High School Media Day
See student evaluationsIn two morning sessions, 25 students from different high schools throughout North Carolina attended a multimedia journalism workshop that I conducted as part of High School Media Day. They were introduced to Soundslides and Timelines. See comments about workshop. -
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT:Smith attends Avid editing workshop (FACULTY DEVELOPMENT)
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT: Applied for a $2,000 scholarship to learn Avid products
Avid's Strategic Education Scholarship program provides Avid video and audio training for educators at its headquarters in Burlington, Vermont. See application -
UNIVERSITY SERVICE: Consults with University outreach on how to use social media as a promotion tool
See PPTDeveloped a PPT on how Office of Outreach might use social media as a marketing tool.
See email request for consulation on how to use social media as an outreach tool. <br>
Scheduled to conduct a workshop in January for the department on how to use social media. -
UNIV.DEPART. SERVICE: Completed university-required QEP
Plan involved incorporating criticial thinking skills in the curricula as part of SAC reaccreditation effort.
See letter and what I did. -
TEACHING/NEW COURSE DEVELOPMENT: Smith introduces online course
See video promoJOMC 553-02 focuses on new media's impact on society. -
RESEARCH: Improving Web page content by incorporating media richness and social support functions. OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW
See abstract
<br>Working with an undergraduate student to do a content analysis of the top 100 university websites to see if or how they incorporate media richness and social support functions into their content. -
UNIV/DEPT. SERVICE: Participated in a faculty lecture exchange program with High Point University
Manuscript on how HBCUs with journalism programs are coping with convergence issues gets nod of approval from reviewers and editor. Publication in May pending final edits for the Electronic Journal of Communication, -
RESEARCH: Undergraduate research
See posterSubmitted poster for undergraduate research symposium with Adrian Gray, who helped with coding, writing and interpretation of content analysis of university websites. -
See linkI'll spend three weeks at a Charlotte TV station learning how they do multimedia journalism.