Edict of Nantes
Henry VI issues the Edict of Nantes to restore peace in France. -
Period: to
Absolutism and Enlightment
Elizabeth died
Elizabeth died, and since she had no sons, England gave the crown to Mary Stuart's son, James I -
Henry IV died
Murderd by a fanatic called François Ravaillac. -
Louis XIII king
Succeeded his dad but he was to young to rule, so he decided that his mother, Maria de Medici, would take care of him and he decided to have a prime minister called Cardinal Richelieu -
Louis XIIIand Cardinal Richelieu
Wanted to have a prime minister -
Death of Richelieu
The English Revolution started
The English revolution started because James son Charles the I wanted to abolish the parliament and so England rebelled againts him. The war was against the KNIGHTS and the ROUNDHEADS -
Louis XIII died
Louis XIV rose to power
Louis XIV was too little and so his mum Anne of Austria, took his place and took care of him, Louis had a prime minister too called Mazarino -
English revolution ended
Charles the I was beheaded and the Roundheads ruled by Oliver Cromwell won -
Oliver Cromwell died
This explained that English was lead by a dictator for the first and last time. -
Charles the II rose to the throne
Charles the I son rose to the throne -
Mazarino died
From now on Louis XIV decided to don't have any more a prime minister and he wanted to rule France all by himself, so France began an ABSOLUTE MONARCHY. -
Charles II died
William of Orange rose to the throne
Bill of Rights
Thanks to this bill, England became a Constitutional Monarchy -
Peace of Carlowitz
Thanks to the Peace of Carlowitz the Ottomans were forced to give up hungary so they were forced to move from Europe, BORNS THE AUSTRO-HINGARIAN EMPIRE -
Enlightement started
The enlightment is a period of time where people criticized the Church.
1. Church
2. Ancien Regime -
Giovanni Beccaria publishes I delitti e delle pene
A book where he tried to abolish torture and death penalty in Italy