Jan 1, 1519
Charles V beings rule of Holy Roman Empire
During the time Charles reigned over Spain, he mainly spent time in wars against French kings, such as Henry I and Francis II. Although these battles were expensive, Charles had victory due to his successful military. They captured Milan, and Franche Comptè from France in the Battle of Pavia in 1525. Charles Kingdom extended nearly four million square kilometers accorss The Americas, The Far East, and Europe. King Charles' kingdom was known as "The empire on which the sun never sets". -
Jan 10, 1547
Ivan IV becomes Czar of Russia
At the start of Ivan's rule, he left the adminastrative forces upto his two brothers,who ended up mistreating citizens. After that he swore to never leave the adminatrative duties up to other people. During his earlier reign, he exapnded Russia's borders and trade. Although later Ivan grew very vicious and blood-thirsty. He destroyed major boyar familes, and demanded the authority to punish traitors and law breakers,by kiling them, and taking away their property. -
England deats the Spansh Armada
In vision of trying to gain control of the English Channel nd overthrow Protestant England let by Queen Elizabeth I,the Spanish Armada set out. The Duke of Medina Sedonia was in charge of this fleet of ships. The English soon attacked this long line of ships, but from a safe distance away, although the Spanish fleet kept coming.England kept firing, until soon some ships caught fire. The Sapnish Armada had to flee from the fire in order to escape. -
Period: to
Thirty Years' War
Some of the causes for the Thirty Years' war included religious, dycastic, and commercial rivalries. The war began when Holy Roman Emperor began to restrict his subjects from religious activity, and forcing all to be Catholic causing the Prostenstants to become rebellious. It then turned into a conflict determining whether the Emperor of Germany should rule with more austhority than he should have.The Peace of Westphalia granted soverignty and the rights of religious toleration to Germany. -
Charles I has conflict with Parliament
During Charles' first Parliament, there was distrust about the Spanish war, and the tactics being used. Charles did not listen or take into consideration what the Parlaiment said, and just wanted to rule alone. While all this was happening, Puritans and Catholics were being forced to change religions, and so they migrated to the Americas'. He forced new religion onto the Scotish, causing scandal,which forced him to summon the Parlaiment to get funds to fight the Scotish. -
Hugeunots killes By Richelieue at La Rochelle
Richelieu, under King Louis XIII, sieged the Hugeunots at La Rochelle. He cut off their supplies because Louis wanted absolute control over everything. Louis wanted everuone to be Catholic, whereas the Huguenots were Protestant. The capture of La Rochelle was a huge success for Richelieu, for it increased his power and influence under the KIng. -
Louis XIV buit Versailles
Louis XIV built the palace of Versailles and forced peasants to dress and eat fancily, causing them to become even poorer. He also wasted alot of money on a lavish lifestyle of fancy food and dress and riches. Louis, took loans from everyone possible, so when European troops attacked France they were bankrupt for the following years. Although they did win the war because alot of loaned money went into developing the Frence military. -
Peter The Great Regains Absolute Power in Russia
During Peter's Rule, he earned the name "Peter the Great" for all he had done for his country. Peter expanded Russia's borders, increased trade, and made Russia and Europe closer in communication. Peter tried as much as possible to westernize Europe, by doing things such as: encouraging men to dress more like Europeans and to shave their tradtional beards, and by building St. Petersburg, a modern capital that resembled the Palace of Versialles in France. -
Period: to
Seven Years' War
This was mainly a war between the British and the French. British Colonists' wanted to extend their land west of the original 13 colonies, which was owned by the French. Britian wanted to have more access to trade, and by expanding terrieitories, they would get more trade.Bistain was getting so rich, France was afriad the British would come for their own resources, such as sugar. And by the Native Americans siding with the French, it caused them less risk of the French attacking their own land. -
Catherine The Great
Catherine was a German Princess.She knew that to rule, she had to have the support from some of the soceity, so she tried to please the nobles. She created reofrms that gave nobles more power and control over their land. Unfotunatly this started rebellions by the serfs, because they worked the land, and that caused further restrictions for them.