Feb 24, 1500
Charels I Birth and Summary
Charles I was born on February 24, 1500. He moved to Spain, but didn’t know the language. He ruled between the years 1516-56. He wanted to expand Spain and he was successful. -
Aug 25, 1530
Birth and Summery of Ivan IV
Ivan IV was born on August 25, 1530 in a place near Moscow, Russia. He was the grandson of Ivan the Great and is known as Ivan the Terrible. He had a rough life growing up with abuse and violence. Both of his parents died giving him power. In 1547 he was the first person to officially be crowned the Czar of all Russia and was married several times. He was a violent person and was ruthless to all of his people and killed his son, after a near-death experience in 1553. -
Sep 21, 1558
Charles I Death
Charles 1 died on September 21, 1558. He was an absolute monarch because he took power form his people, so he could be more powerful. He also had more than one title that helped him become more powerful. He compromised with religion had allowed people to be Catholic and Lutheran. -
Jan 1, 1565
Major Event of Ivan IV
A major event that Ivan IV took part in was the Oprichnina (1565-1572), which was a policy that “divided the Russian lands into two parts and established the new court”(dictionary.com). The Oprichnina territory was a section in Russia that Ivan IV had exclusive power over. He had his most beloved people ride around on horses and torture all of his enemies. In 1570 he destroyed the entire city of Novgorod and murdered thousands in the process. This was significant because it was an awf -
Death of Ivan IV
Ivan IV died on March 18, 1584 because of a stroke. He was an absolute monarch because he took away power from some nobles to further help himself. He was well educated and could easily manipulate people which helped with his plans. He was a Roman Orthodox, but Russia remained a multi-religion after he took control of Siberia -
Louis XIV Major event
In 1598, Louis XIV revoked the previously established Edict of Nantes, that gave protestants rights, and he closed protestant churches with the Edict of Fontainebleau. This Edict forced all people born into the protestant religion to be baptized by the Roman Catholic church. The significance of this event was that it helped maintain the control of the people, the church supported Louis XIV financially, and caused problems with who controlled the chuch. -
Frederick William
Frederick Willam was born on febuay 16th. He was elector of Bradenburg and Duke of Prussia, Therefore, He was ruler of Bradenburg Prussia. He orginally was elector of Bradenburg in 1640 and then later became duke of Prussia. -
Birth and Summary of Louis XIV
Louis XIV (France) was born on September 5, 1638. He began to rule when he was only four years old. Cardinal Jules Mazarin ruled on the kings behave until he died. Louis XIV married his cousin when he was 22. When he started to actually rule he claimed he didn't need a chief minister because he was a direct representative of God, so he got absolute power of the French monarchy. -
Frederick Willam Major event
Frederick William is mainly known for his great military skills. Once he had become the leader of prussia, he launched an attacked on austia and claimed Silesia in the Silesian wars. Overall, Fredericks military leadership gained him the title The Great Elector. -
Louis XIV Deatth and Reason
Louis XIV died on September 1,1715 because of gangrene, a condition where body tissue dies. He was an absolute monarch because he believed he had a divine right. He tried to centralize the and tighten control of his land with religion and more land, reorganized and expanded his army, and he established schools for the arts and sciences. -
Peter I Birth and Summary
Peter I of Russia was born in Moscow on June 9, 1672. He ruled with his brother Ivan V, until his brother died in 1669 and he became Sovereign of all Russia. He spent over 25 years trying to get more trade routes and routes to the seas to modernize Russia. -
Peter I Birth and Summary
Peter 1 of Russia was born in Moscow on June 9,1672. He ruled with his brother Ivan V, until his brother died in 1669 and he became sovereign of all Russia (Tsar). He spent over 25 years trying to get more trade routes and routes to the seas to modernize Russia. -
Frederick William
Frederick William died on april 29th 1688. But, he was a great leader and he is still remembered today through his strength in military forces and his strength in controling a large group. Overall, Frederick William was an absolute monarch who showed his strength through military excellence. -
Peter I Major Event
November 1721, Peter I gave himself the title of Emperor and Russia became the Russian Empire. He made a larger army and navy, so he could get more land. He also took away what the people had and he forced them to look a certain way. -
Peter I Death
Peter I of Russia died on February 8, 1725 because of gangrene. He was absolute monarch because of his family. He also tried to take power away form his sister and declared himself Emperor. He took stuff away from the people to benefit himself. He supported the Russian Orthodox Church, but in 1721 replaced it with the Holy Synod.