2166 BCE
Abe is Born
Abraham's Age: 0 -
Period: 2166 BCE to 1997 BCE
Abraham's Life
2156 BCE
Sarah is Born (Abe's Wife)
Abraham's Age: 10 -
2091 BCE
God tells Abe to leave Haram
Abraham's Age: 75 -
2091 BCE
Sarai was taken by Pharaoh to his palace
Abraham's Age:75 -
2080 BCE
Abram had a son (Ishmael)
Abraham's Age: 86 -
2067 BCE
Abe is promised a son by God (God talks to Abram)
Abraham's Age: 99 -
2067 BCE
Abraham was told his wife Sarah was going to have a son
Abraham's Age: 99 -
2066 BCE
Isaac is born (Abe's son)
Abraham's Age: 100 -
2066 BCE
Sarah was taken by Abimelek
Abraham's Age: 100 -
2050 BCE
God tests Abe's faith
Abraham's Age: 116 -
2029 BCE
Sarah dies (Isaac's mum)
Abraham's Age: 137 -
2026 BCE
Isaac marries Rebekah
Abraham's Age: 140 -
2026 BCE
Abraham marries Keturah
Abraham's Age: 140 -
1997 BCE
Abe dies
Abraham's Age: 175 -
1966 BCE
Isaac's sons are born (Jacob and Esau)