Abraham lincoln's timeline

Abraham Linconl's Timeline

By Brenin
  • He was born

    in a single-room log cabin, Hardin County, Kentucky.
  • Time of Change

    Along with his father, stepmom and half-brothers, Lincoln moved to Decatur, Illinois, where he worked for some time cutting logs for fences.
  • Some of the works of Abraham Lincoln

    he left his home and worked in various types of jobs, such as boat driver and shopkeeper.
  • Getting Married

    Lincoln got married to a 23-year old woman named Mary Todd.
  • The Election

    Lincoln was elected 16th president of the United States in November 1860.
  • President

    Abraham was inaugurated as president in March of 1861.
  • Getting Famous

    Lincoln is most famous for leading the country during the American Civil War. His leadership in the North helped the country to remain strong and defeat the South keeping the country united. He also pushed for the freedom of all slaves throughout the nation.
  • A Shot at Lincoln

    someone shot Lincoln in 1864 at Lincoln and put a hole in his stovepipe hat
  • He died

    Lincoln was suddenly and tragically assassinated at a time when his country needed him to complete the great task remaining before the nation.
  • A Gang of Counterfeiters

    attemped to steal Abraham Lincoln's body from his tomb and request a US$200,000 ransom.