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Abraham Lincoln: From March 4, 1861– April 15, 1865, the 16th president

  • Abraham Lincoln's Birth

    Abraham Lincoln's Birth
    Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, Kentucky to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln.
  • Illinois State Legislature.

    Illinois State Legislature.
    Abraham Lincoln was only 24 years old when he was elected in the Illinois State Legislature on August 4, 1834.
  • The Whig Party

    The Whig Party
    Abraham became the leader of the Whig party on September 9, 1836.
  • Abraham's Presidency

    Abraham's Presidency
    From March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States. He served two terms, but at the begining of his second term, he died.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation, issued in 1863, freed all slaves in the rebellious states and paved the way for the end of slavery.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    On the morning of November 19, 1863, Abraham gave the 273 word speech, called the Gettysburg Address.
  • Lincoln's Assasination

    Lincoln's Assasination
    Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilks Booth on April 13,1865'
  • Lincoln's Death

    Lincoln's Death
    After Abraham was shot, he died two days later on April 15, 1865.
  • Lincoln's Burial

    Lincoln's Burial
    Abraham was burried in Springfield, Illinois in the Oak Ridge Cemetery.
  • The 13th Amendment: The end of Slavery.

    The 13th Amendment: The end of Slavery.
    Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865 and ratified on December 6, 1865 the 13th amendment ended slavery in the U.S.